Chapter 9

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"Good morning beautiful" she smiles and nuzzles into my chest "good morning Jax" my fingers find her hair I play with her hair, she puts her leg on my waist "wedding is in a month you got your tuxedo?" I chuckle "yes I have it you have your dress?" She looks up at me like I'm uña pendejo (male dumbass) "yes I have my dress" she then sits on me and straddles me "Em don't do that" she looks at me innocently "don't do what?" I feel myself get hard underneath her "someones happy" she giggles I leave a slap on her ass "your about to be in a few" I smirk then we hear a knock on the door "baby come down" Em throws her head back "ok daddy I'll be there in a minute" we hear him walk away she brings her focus back to me "I thought I was daddy" I pout "you are daddy in bed but Jax more got it" she winks at me before getting up "ok miss attitude" I roll my eyes, I get up and put my shirt on she looks up at me and pouts "can I wear your shirt?" I nod and take my shirt off and give it to her "thanks daddy" she puts it on, she opens the door and walks out going downstairs me not far behind, She walks into the kitchen and gives her dad a kiss on the cheek "weddings in a month you got everything?" She nods before reaching for her favorite box of cereal (lucky charms) I lean down on the table as she bends over to get the milk from the refrigerator and I make eye contact with her ass "stop staring at my ass Jax" her dad burst out into laughter.

After a while we go back to her room I sit on her bed "come here Em" I Pat my lap and she locks the door "no more walk ins" and then she walks over to me and sits on my lap and straddles me I grab her waist "don't do that em" she looks at me "do what?" I hold her waist tight "do you want your dad hearing you beg for release" she stops and shakes her head "well then stop straddling me" she crosses her arms and turns her head "look at me Em" she just shakes her head "em baby look at me" she shakes her head and pouts, I grab her chin making her look at me then I leave a hard slap on her ass "when I say look at me, look at me or next time" I lean towards her ear and whisper "or next time I'll fuck you and then not let you cum or touch yourself" I lean back on her bed and she has a shocked expression on her face and her cheeks are red. "Okay I'll listen next time" I let out a chuckle "good girl" I grab her ass making her jump a little she wasn't expecting that.

As I'm on top of Em (only kissing) we hear a knock at the door 'fuck man' I thought to myself as I let out a frustrating groan making Em giggle. "Who is it?" I yell with em rolling her eyes "Jax it's me Emery's dad remember me" he say's with sarcasm I get off Em and walk to the door and I unlock it, opening it just a crack "what do you need?" I question raising my eyebrow "I need my daughter dressed and downstairs" I nod and he leaves, as I turn around I see Em putting my shirt on " your wearing my shirt because" she just shrugs and puts a pair of ripped jeans on "because I can" I let out a chuckle and shrug "as long as everyone knows your mine baby" I then slap and grab her ass "ok daddy" she said with a smirk plastered on her face I shake my head and put on a pair of shorts

Em and I are making eye contact she's looking at me with these fuck me eyes "Em...?" I raise an eyebrow "yes Jax..?" She smiled from ear to ear "are you horny?" I whispered she looked down then looked back up at me nodding "yes I am" she walks out of the room 'that horny girl' I thought I walked out soon after her when I walked out I bumped into someone "oh shit my bad dude I wasn't looking were I was going" I closed Ems door "oh no it's fine" I walk down the stairs then I see Em sitting on the couch she looks at me with a smile and stands up as I reach down the steps she standing at the end of them "hey gorgeous" her smile fades when she sees the dude who bumped into me walking down the stairs behind me she starts tearing up then she hugs me tightly "baby what's wrong Princess?" She mumbles something "baby..?" I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist,I walk us over to the couch and sit down rubbing her back

After sitting with Em on the couch for a while her dad walks into the room "Em..? Are you ok baby?" She looks up from my chest and looks at her dad with tear stained cheeks "daddyyy" me and her dad both answer awkward he raises an eyebrow "why is he here?" she gets off my lap and goes to her dad he and her walk in to the kitchen so they can talk privately

The guy I bumped into walks up to me "Luke" he said and sticks his hand out for me to shake it which I do "Jaxson" he then sits next to me and we start up a little conversation soon Em and her dad walk out the kitchen and she hugs him then wipes her tears

"Vamos Jax" she said with a wink I looked at Luke "duty calls" I said with a chuckle instead of her already walking upstairs she flash's her ring to Luke and he looks pissed she's smiles and wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me I put my hands on her back then I started to slide them to her ass giving her ass a little squeeze she lightly pushes me and she smirks at him god I love this girl she seductively walks upstairs "I'd cover my ears if I were y'all, shit 'bout to get loud" Ems dad makes a disgusted face and walks away Luke just nods with the same disgusting face Ems dad made and while I sprinted upstairs after Em

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