Chapter 3:

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We get to the front desk "hi we are here to check out" Em says in a very sweet voice "oh so soon I have it in my system that you guys were staying a week" she looks at me pissed and elbows me in my stomach then look back at the girl "well I got a call from my father that my mother is very sick so we are gonna leave sooner than planned" the girl started to say "I'm sorry-" and began typing "but it might take a while for us to clean the room and put a new reservation on it" she said as she looked up at me and Em "no worries the room is clean" she nodded "ok then we'll you're all set the room will have a reservation soon have a good rest of your day and I hope your mother gets better"she say as we walk away. Once we get in the car she slaps me  "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JAX?!? Really a fucking week?!" She practically snaps at me "first off ow second I didn't book the reservations my assistant did!" She scoffs and looks out the window as I drive. After 2 hours of driving, she fell asleep I then put my hand on her thigh (I wear rings) I bet they're cold on her thigh. After an hour of her sleeping she wakes up "move your hand" she says in a very sleepy voice "how about no" I say with aggression she gasps and moves my hand "don't fucking move my hand" she rolls her eyes and mocks me "don't make me pull over" she looks at me "you won't" I pull over "get out" she looks at me with a shocked expression on her face "what?!" I look at her before responding with "you wanna be a bitch I'll treat you like one,get the fuck out my car" she looks at me and opens my door and gets out "fuck you!" She says as she slams my door,I roll my window down and yell "don't slam my door!" I start to drive off.

I get home I get out my car and open the trunk I look over to my left and see a car pulling up "Gracias amor" she waves bye and looks at me before grabbing her luggage out the car and starts to walk inside I stare at her ass "stop staring at my ass!" I grab my luggage out the car and close the trunk following her "open the door already it's cold" I grab my keys from my packet and unlock the front door she goes in first me right behind her, and right there is her boy best friend Jason she runs into his arm and he holds her ass "jealous Jaxson" he says ever so cocky I roll my eyes as they talk and I go into the kitchen and see her dad drinking a glass of wine "hey Mr.Rodriguez we're back" he looks at me then puts his glass of wine down "living room now" I go to the living room to see my dad sitting and talking to Emery I sit next to my dad as Emery's dad comes in "Daddy!" She gets up and hugs him "oh hi princess" they both sit down, "Jax Emery you're getting married" me and Em burst into laughter "you're real funny dad" they look at each other then back at me and Em with a serious look "oh ok who's the guy daddy?" He looks at her then at me I realized that im marrying her "he's sitting next to you baby" she has a shocked expression on her face "Jaxson?! I'm marrying him out of all people I'm marrying this estupido?" Mr. Rodriguez nods "papi por favor no don't make me marry him" he shrugs "sorry princess but you have to your mother would've wanted this" she rolls her eyes "ok ok fine I'll do it for mamá" she gets up and hugs him, he plants a little kiss on her forehead.

I get to her room and knock "come in" I open the door and she's in her pajamas laying in bed on her phone she looks up at me "oh it's you" she's says as she rolls her eyes "yeah it's me" I sit on the bed as she sits up "what do you want" I want her but she hates me "you" I mumble "what?" She says looking up from her phone "oh nothing" she looks at me confused "I was just wondering if you're bsf would wanna be my best man" she burst out into laughter,her laugh is so cute "why ask me? Ask him" I grab her phone "hey wtf?!?" I dial his number into her phone and call him "wassup baby girl?" I hear him say thinking it Emery "nah it's not Emery it's Jaxson" , "oh Jaxson what do you want and where's Emery?" He says with a voice drop "she's next to me and I'm getting married wanna be my best man" I say as I hold Emery's hands down with one hand "let's go of my hands" she practically yells "sure, umm is that Emery yelling in the back?" I chuckle "no you must be hearing things" Emery looks at me pissed "ok bye" I hang up and let's go of her hands "you gotta tell him that me and you are getting married" I say as sweet as possible "ehh rather not until the wedding, 3 months from now" she says grabbing her phone back "3 months?!?" She nods "and you have to get me a ring 13 carrot gold real diamonds" I shake my head "no that's too expensive Em" she shrugs "too bad I wanna show the ring of when I see my girlfriends in a few days Jax" I nod "ok what's your ring size" she looks at her fingers "uhh small Jax or if it's numbers a 5" I nod and leave her room I walk downstairs and grabs my keys and leave the house.

I get to the ring store. I get inside and a lady comes up to me "Hi welcome to midnight's ring store how may I help you today?" I look around then back at her "I need a 13 carrot gold ring with real diamonds" she looks shocked "oh we have plenty of options over here" I nod she takes me to a corner of the store and points out two rings one in a beautiful baby pink and the other a rose gold "we have the rose gold 13 carrot gold with real diamonds coming in about 2k" 2 thousand for a ring that's a lot "well my girlfriend deserves the best how about the other one?" She smiles "the baby pink is just like the rose gold one just it comes in about 3k" I nod 3 thousand is a lot too "I'll let you decide and I'll be back in just a moment" I nod as she leaves. The rose gold is cheaper just by 1k she comes back after 5 minutes "ok have you decided yet? Or do you need more time to think?" The rose gold is prettier "can I get the rose gold one" she nods and smiles "and what size?" I look at her confused "what's your girlfriend ring size" she says with a giggle "oh I think once she mentioned that her ring size is a 5 you know a small" she smiles "ok meet me at the register to pay" I nod and walk over to the register. After I pay I grab the bag and leave.

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