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We arrive at the destination I'm holding Amber on my hip Jax has his arm around me as we walk into a hotel I look at Jax and smile as he opens the door

We make our way to the front desk and the lady who's there looks at Amber and smiles "aww she adorable" I laugh "thanks she our little bundle of joy" she nod and then turns to Jax "anyway last name?" She looks down at her computer "should be under Alvarez if not try Rodriguez" I blurt out and Jax looks at me with a confused look on his face "what? My dad made the reservations not me and definitely not you" he rolls his eyes and I smack his arm

I take the baby and I go and sit in one of the chairs that were in the lobby because she fell asleep

Soon after I sat down Jax came and sat down "so did you get a call or text anything about this guy" he shakes his head I nod in response "oh can we go to the room yet or no" I question  "oh yea we can" I shake my head and chuclke

I slowly place Amber in her stroller trying not to wake her I wince everytime she's coos, I sigh in relief

I walk over to the elevators and press the up button "what floor?" I ask looking at him "the 5th floor room 514" I look back at the baby and I stare at her in awe.

The elevator dings and the doors open "the elevator is here love" I look up and walk in pushing the stroller "you love Amber don't you my love" I smile at him and nod "yea I do,ik we're not her parents but the thought of being parents makes me happy.." I smile again and look at her "once we're married we can adopt her and have kids of our own" I look back at him in shock I let go of the stroller and I jump on him kissing him all over "thank you! Thank you! thank you! Thank you!" He stumbles back he catches himself in time

I get down as the elevator door opens in the 4th floor and people come in I immediately grab the stroller making sure she's safe I sigh

"Mother instincts much baby gurl?" He chuckles and I just glare at him


We arrive at our floor and I immediately get off I push the stroller to the door trying not to wake her Jax no to far behind

Jax pulls out the room key and opens the door I go in first

Jax closes the door while I unbuckle Amber she coos and I wince I successfully pick her up without waking her up

I gently set her down on the bed surrounding her with the pillows I sit on the other bed and relax Jax comes and sits beside me he kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear "baby's asleep let's do it" and I burst out laughing he pulls back and looks at me "what?" I cover my mouth "I'm sorry but no" he rolls his eyes

I kiss him and smile "if the baby wasn't her yea but she is so no" he nods while rolling his eyes

I lean forward and take off my shoes I lean back and lay on the bed

After 5 minutes I hear a cry I bolt up so fast I almost fall catching myself I walk over to Amber and pick her up

I start rocking her back and forth shushing her when she finally calms down I put her in her stroller and I put my shoes back on

I open the door pushing the stroller out when I bump into Alex...

I quickly glance down at the baby and back at him

"Emery?" I nod "Alex.."  he looks down at the baby and back at me "who's baby is that" he asks looking down at Amber  I sigh "she's my baby" he looks up at me "how old?" I look down "4 months, why you asking" he counts with is fingers then he looks shocked then he glances at Amber one more time before looking at me "is she mine?" I look at him confused "she's I1not yours she's Jaxs" now he's the one with a confused look in his face "I did the math she has to be mine" I shake my head "he sighed the papers and so did I"

Jax comes out of the elevator at the right time he comes over to me, he kisses my cheek then he looks at Alex "what's going on?" I sigh and look at Jax he turns to look at me "he thinks Amber's his" he nods "Amber's not yours she's mine" Alex shakes his head "dude she can't be yours because Amber's an orphan" he nods "my bad" I nod and give him a stank look


We walked around the hotel to get Amber to sleep

After a while she did eventually fall asleep

We go back to the room and I pick her up and set her inbetween the pillows like before

I fold up her stroller and put it in a corner

I plopped down on the bed and knocked out but just before I felt the bed dip

Enemies to lovers (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now