chapter 12

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*spicy scene*

I wake up to Amber scream crying bloody murder,I bolt up sitting on the bed I blink my eyes a few times

I open my eyes fully and see Jax rocking her calming her down I sit there admiring him being a dad I look at the clock and see that's its 8:45

I get up and walk towards him holding him by his waist I lay my head on the back his shoulder "honey she needs a diaper change and it's your turn baby" he groans and I laugh patting his back walking towards the shower

I turn the hot water on and then I take of my night gown and my underwear and get in the shower letting the hot water hit my back I feel a hand around my waist I turn around and Jax is staring down at me "it's been awhile since we last took a shower together huh" I giggle and nod

My back against the shower wall my legs wrapped around Jaxs waist he lips connected to my neck sucking,kissing and biting away my moans fill the bathroom echoing right back to me I laugh hearing my moans bounce off the walls and right back to me Jax grips on of my boobs massaging it has he makeouts with my neck

I feel his boner rise against my stomach I tap his shoulder and he looks at me "put me down I wanna do something real quick" he nods and puts me down I immediately drop to my knees and u grip onto his cock licking and teasing him before I take him all in my mouth he groans "Em...fuck" I start bobbing my head on his cock

He grips my hair making me gag and choke on his cock

I remove my mouth from his cock creating a spit string, I look up at him and laugh "Em" he growls "yes Jax?" I answer innocently blinking a few times because water was getting in my eyes He chuckles "what?" I ask wondering why he's chuckling "nothing you just look cute down there you know sucking and choking on my cock" I slap his leg since I'm still on my knees.


He kisses my cheek before wrapping a towel around his waist I step out of the bathroom smiling I look on the bed and she's not there "Jax where's Amber?" I ask "What do you mean she's in the bed asleep" he tells me calmly "j-jax she's not there..." I studder slowly turning around to face him "em now is not the time to joke around" he says walking out of the bathroom I walk around a Lil and noticed the door was slightly open I gasp and look at Jax with tears in my eyes

I point to the door he looks confused but he walks over and sees the door I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist and start crying I know she's not my real baby but I really bonded with her these last 2 days if something happens to her I will hurt anyone who hurts her

I open my suit case and grab clean clothes I put on a pair of ripped shorts a baggy shirt and Nike sneakers Jaxs puts on basketball shorts and a white t shirt and Nike shoes

I grab my phone and room key and I immediately run outside the room looking left or right I hear the elevator dings and my door close at the same time I goo to the elevator with Jax and we go downstairs to the front desk

I run to the front desk no one is there "fuck! Jax babe no one's here to help what are we gonna do-?" I get cut off by a women's soft voice "hi ma'am how can I help you today?" She said making my head turn "hi my-our baby is missing" I say out of breathe practically gasping "oh did you call the police?" I shake my head "well ma'am-" Jax slams his hands on the counter making both me and her jump "listen our baby was just kidnapped we think that you guys can show us the footage of the hotel security first so we don't have to get the police involved!" She nods and types a number into the phone calling someone

After 5 minutes 2 security guards come and tells us to follow them we do as they say and we followed them

The taller one opens the door with a key card and let's us in

Jax sits in a chair and I sit on his lap facing the cameras they replay the footage from out hallway and we see a guy in a black hoodie with the hood over his head and a black bandana around his face covering his face

He was picking at our lock he opens the door then he walks in leaving the door open he then walks out with Amber in hand I gasp covering my mouth I start crying into his shoulder

"Holy shit Em look" Jax curses I look up from his shoulder my vision blurry I look at the screen and gasp I wipe my tears "WHAT THE FUCK!" I curse angerly now glaring at the screen adrenaline running through my veins I stand up

I turn around and bump into a hard chest "ow!" I say rubbing my forehead looking up "em sit you ass back down and calm down before you do something stupid" he growls "yes sir" i mumbke before turning back around and sitting in the chair still mad asf "good girl now pay attention to the cams" the tall security chuckles at how Jax just handled me "the fuck you chuckling at motherfucker?!" I say glaring at him and he shakes his head
"Nothing my bad" he says trying not to laugh "whatever" I say rolling my eyes Turing my attention to the screens again the guy removes his hood my eyes widen as I see who it is...

Duh duh dunn hey lovelies who do you think the guy is?? Who kidnapped Amber? Wait for the next book to find out and yes its a cliffhanger deal with it ❤️❤️😊😊

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