Chapter 5

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This asshole doesn't believe me "it's the truth Jax!" He shakes his head "no it's not I've hit with a hanger before it's doesn't leave a big bruise" I let my head hang "Jason did this didn't he" I slowly nod he grabs my chin and lifts my head "but don't tell him it'll only get worse Jax" I let a tear roll down my face "fine I won't tell him more or less confront him Em but stay safe" he wipes the lonely tear.

"Oww be careful not so rough Jax!" I say as he wipes the makeup off my face "I'm sorry Em" I wince in pain "no it's ok you've never took makeup off a girl before" he gasps "I have but I was rough with her if you know what I mean" I playfully push him "eww Jax! Disgusting" he just smirks in my face "it's not like you never had sex before Em" I shrug "I've had sex but I don't like to talk about it" I say with an attitude he rolls his eyes. I've never noticed how handsome he was before, I stare into his eyes without even knowing "take a picture it'll last longer" he says with a laugh "oh sorry I kinda zoned out I can't control when and where I zone out" I shrug "wanna know what is so funny to me" he says with a chuckle "what?" As confused as I sound I think he's talking about Jason "that you brought a fucking vibrater to our trip" I hide my face "I honestly was forced to by Kat!" He takes my hands off my face and holds them down with one hand "why did she force you?" I look away and with his other hand his free hand he grabs my face gently and makes me look him in the eye "she said what if you get bored or you're horny to use it and well I used it because I didn't think you'd be back so soon" he nods and let's my face go "why don't you use it again" he smirks as I gasp "with you watching no way!" He shrugs "only if you want me to watch" he watch's as I get all red "I wouldn't let you touch or let you watch me touch myself if we were the last two people on earth" I try and get my hands out of his grasp but he gripped tighter and "ok if you say so," he puts my hands above my head and pinned them to the wall "I can think of so many ways to turn you on" he tells me as if it's gonna happen he grabs my waist off the chair and onto his lap "not gonna happen Jax-" I start to say but the door opens it's my dad "oh am I interrupting something" Jaxson nods "no daddy wait-" the door shuts before I could even finish my sentence "now where were we.. oh right" he says before kissing my neck the feels good but I don't want him to know that "mmm Jax our dads are still in the house" he picks me up and walks to the door and locks it "no more walk ins" I shake my head and let out a giggle.

I'm sitting on Jaxsons lap making out with him he takes my shirt off "no bra?" I shake my head "do you think girls sleep with bras well your wrong" he then smash's his lip onto mine to shut me up, damn I like that, I feel a hand on my right breast massaging it I moan through the kiss my hands travel from his neck to his hair latching onto it. Now I'm only in my panties and Jax in his boxers,when we hear a knock at the door we both pull away from each other and turn to look at the door "who is it?" I ask confused "Em honey it's dad" I practically jump off Jax, slipping my pants back on and he does the same "daddy do you need something?" I ask throwing Jax his shirt "I need you and Jax to come down in nice clothes we have a meeting" I then take my shirt off again when I get pinned to the wall "ok daddy just give us a minute" my dad leaves "Jax we have a meeting unpin me right now" he shakes his head and kisses me "fine pass me the bra over there" he unpins me and grabs my bra I snatch it out his hands and I put it on and put a shirt on and a pair of sweats.

We go downstairs and head to where the meeting is being held when we get in the room my smile drops when I see Andrew (my ex) and his father there "what is he doing here daddy?" My dad sighs "he's here for your hand in marriage, but seeing as your already marrying Jax you can choose who you wanna marry" I feel a pair of hands on my waist I turn around and look up at Jax then I bury my face into is chest, he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist "she chooses me" he say's with a posed tone then he carries me up the stairs and into his room he gently lays me down on his bed and my head still buried in his chest I start crying "hey what's wrong princess?" I bury my face deeper into his chest "when my and Andrew were together I wanted to marry him but then I found he cheated on me by a Mutual friend I then unfriended her" he rubs my back "why did you unfriend her" I look up at him "he cheated on me with her" I cry harder "oh I'm sorry princess" after an hour or two I fall asleep.

I wake up to see Jax walking out of his bathroom in nothing but a towel I stare at his abs "take a picture it'll last longer princess" I turn my body to face the wall "go take a shower princess" I get up and make my way to the bathroom I close the door and I take my shirt,bra pants, & my panties off I turn the shower on hot, I get in I start washing my hair I then hear the bathroom door open and close I shrug, I then feel a pair of hands on my waist "you have a beautiful body princess" I cover my body "no need to cover it" I turn around to see Jax he traces my body with his hands I bite my lip, he then pins me to the shower wall "Jax we are not gonna have hot and steamy shower sex" he smirks "I was thinking about leaving you on edge but the sounds better" I gasp "why leave me on edge when you can see me cum" he chuckles "because" he picks me up "it's better to see you beg and whimper then you see you cum" I give him a mischievous look "but you've never seen me whimper and beg" my hands find his hair and latches onto it "that's the fun of it princess I wanna see you beg and whimper."

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