Chapter 10

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I wake up to arms around my waist and my head pressed against a hard chest I look up and I see Jax looking down right at me "hi!" I said innocently and with a smile "hi" he said in a deep voice I bit my lip his morning voice is hot "say something else" he looks at me confused "like what" I smile at him "thank you!" he chuckles and kisses my forehead "ok let me go so I can take a shower!" He nods and let's go I turn and get up by immediately fell Jax laughs "oh I'm sorry was I too rough last night?" I pout "apparently yea you were now stop laughing and help me!" He shakes his head "ugh! Fuck you!"" I said before trying to get up again only to fall once again accepting defeat I crawl to the bathroom mumbling swears under my breath

I sigh heavily "Jax please I need help!" I heard him groan and start walking to the bathroom "daddy help please" I said with a pout and puppy eyes he groaned before turning around and picking me up puppy eyes and a pout plus saying daddy works every time haha sucker "thanks jax" he groans and rolls his eyes


I took a bath got dressed and went down to get breakfast and my dad was drinking coffee reading tye newspaper "daddy you do know it's not the 80's right?" He nods "yes honey I know but I like to read the newspaper" I rolled my eyes when my phone vibrated I put my hand in my pocket and took my phone out the conversation went something like this:"yea what's up?" I asked the guy on the other end said "you and Jax have an undercover mission is he there with you?" He questioned "no he's upstairs why?" He clears his throat before responding with: "because you need him with you so I can explain the mission" I groan and go over to the stairs "Jax honey get down here?" I yelled

5 minutes later Jax came running down "what Em?" I point to the phone and mouth 'mission' I put the phone on speaker "yea what's up?" Jax says confused "listen this undercover mission is very important but in order for you get get to the gut you need a kid so what works best for you a baby or a toddler?" My eyes widen I turn to look at Jax and he is smirking "why have a random baby when we can have our own?" I playfully slap his shoulder "what?" I roll my eyes and I answer the guy "a baby is fine their easier" I glance at Jax and he's still smirking! "OK I'll text with the details and I'll have someone drop the baby off" I look back at the phone then back at Jax "k bye" he hangs up


I put a black loose dress on and I put my gun holder on my upper thigh before putting on my black leather boots I slip a leather pink jacket and I grab my purse "Jax ready to go? They should be dropping the baby off soon" he nods and slowly walks towards me he grabs my waist and kisses me his tongue fighting for dominance he grabs and squeezes my butt before he pulls away and walks out my room asshole

I walk downstairs to see Jax holding a cute yet chubby baby girl laughing and smiling her giggling I just know he'll be a great dad someday "she's cute" he turns around and immediately stops smiling "yea I know right?" I hear footsteps coming into the living room "who's the baby" I turn and see my dad newspaper in hand looking straight at the baby "uhmm she's apart of the mission" he shrugs and then nods

I found some of my old baby stuff in the basement I put her in a cute summer dress with sparkly pink shoes and a link pink bow I smile at her before strapping her in the carseat I also found in the basement she looks so cute in her summer dress "she all strapped in em" I nod "yea... she's strapped in"

"I hate that we have to bring a baby to this mission Jax.." he puts his hand on my thigh and rubs my thigh "it's all apart of the mission em she's gonna be ok" I sigh "Danny said she's an orphan and I just feel bad ok?" He just nods

"I read the card that was in the diaper bag with her,her name is Amber Maya Johnson I search up her name and her parents Leigh Johnson and lily Johnson were killed in a car accident its so sad...anyway we are supposed to turn left here" he looks at me confused "the fuck...?" I push his head "hey eyes on the road!"

We arrive at the destination I'm holding Amber on my hip Jax has his arm around me as we walk into...

Cliffhanger sorry guys wait till the next chapter to find out more about Amber and where they are any guesses? Xoxo bye lovelies

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