From Down the Hall

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A/N: (This was inspired by the animation "I Heard It Too" on Youtube)

Jenna was in her room as per usual, typing up her homework and listening to music on her radio. It was solemn, quiet. Her sister Athina was in the living room, doing her own thing. As for their father, he was out on a mission. That left the two alone in the apartment.

Osamu Dazai was not expected to be home until Sunday. It was currently Thursday and so the two girls kept up with things around the house. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, whatever needed to be done, they did it. It was typically done when he left the house.

"Jenna!" The short girl stopped typing, hearing the unusual familiar voice of her father. "Jenna! Can you come here?!"

"...Dad?" 'I thought he wasn't supposed to be back until...' She turned her radio off and decided to listen for his voice again. '...' She heard no calling. The girl then scoffed and rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to her computer.

"JENNA!!" the girl took a sharp breath in and stopped her movement. She shut her computer and got off her bed.

"Dad?!" 'Maybe he is home...' She opened the door and looked down the hallway. It was dark, she could barely see a thing. "Where's Athina..." she whispered to herself. "Hello?" from the corner of the hallway, a figure peeked it's head out from the living room. The figure was slender and tall with dark brown waves of hair hanging down his face. Jenna furrowed her brows at the figure that looked seemingly like her father.

"Jenna...?" it called to her in that familiar voice. She took a few steps forward, leaning forward and stretching a hand slightly outwards, maybe to grab onto his dress shirt. Before the girl could do anything else-

"Ah-!" she felt a firm grasp on her left arm, pulling her into another room. She fell to the ground in her fathers bedroom. "W-what-?"

"Ssshhh." Athina put a finger up to her mouth to quiet her sister. "It was calling me too."


"JENNAAA!!!" the figure from earlier screeched menacingly, voice changing more distorted from before. Jenna cowered on the floor and covered her ears, tears beginning to stream down her face. Athina stood frozen, staring at the locked door, eyes widened.


Athina gasped and took her sister by the arm again, running into Dazai's closet and shutting the door. The thing was coming down the hallway. "What is that thing?" Jenna asked her sister in the quietest voice possible.

"I don't know. It showed up when I was in the living room. It looked and talked exactly like Osamu, it even acted like him. The only reason I knew something was wrong was because I know Osamu isn't supposed to be home until Sunday. It acted too casual, like it didn't know he wasn't supposed to be home." Athina gulped and balled her fists.

"Do you think it's an ability user-"

Clang clang clang

Jenna put a hand over her mouth and Athina sweatdropped. Whatever it was, it was trying to open the door.

Bang Bang Bang




It continued to try and break open the door and the two girls panicked, seeing through the cracks of the closet door that it was succeeding. The wooden door was starting to weaken.

"Stay here." Athina raced out of the closet and grabbed the phone. Trying to type 911 but fumbled with the buttons and ended up dropping the phone. "Damn it! My one brain cell acted up at the wrong time!" She looked around the room and saw the dresser as the last hope. She looked to her crying sister for help. Jenna forced herself to run towards Athina and push the dresser against the door with her.

"Hurry!" Jenna whispered to Athina.

BANG BANG BANG Bang bang... bang

The banging suddenly stopped and the two girls slumped against the dresser, taking deep breaths.

"I think... I think it's go-"


The two covered their faces and yelled out in fear. It had gotten in the room.

What was so familiar before was no more. It's shape had changed into a sadistic, deformed creature of at least seven feet tall. It's tar black body twitched and every now and then a feature of the girl's beloved father would show up- almost like it would glitch. It's smile bared slimy sharp teeth and it's long, boney arms reached out for the two.

Without thinking, Athina took a broken piece of wood and smashed it over the creature's head. It screeched out in pain and spread it's hand out to grab the girl. It's hand was able to wrap completely around the girl. Jenna screamed out in fear as it's other hand went to grab her too, but she was able to run from it. The creature pulled Athina and she wiggled, trying to escape but it was just too strong.

"Athina..." The creature growled out before throwing her against Dazai's mirror.

"AH!" She hissed out in pain. As it was walking over to her again, Jenna took the opportunity to hit it again with the same piece of wood Athina used before. It didn't even flinch this time. The thing took it's free hand and slapped Jenna down, using it's fingernails to scratch her. Blood spilled out onto the floor and Jenna fell down hard. And then, without warning the creature grabbed hold of both Athina and Jenna and began to drag them out of the room. They screamed out in fear, kicked, punched, did everything they could to escape.

But it was no use.

The last thing they tried before being dragged out was clawing at the door frame, trying to hang on for dear life. Of course, it didn't work and their hands, calloused and splintered, were forcefully released from the door.

They haven't been heard from since.

"Alright, that's all the evidence I could give you as to what happened. I can't disclose any other information until we're sure." Kunikida nodded to Chuuya and Kaitlyn, who were standing at the crime scene.

"What do you mean "until we're sure"??? How could you not know what happened to them?!?!" Kaitlyn yelled out at the man.

"We're trying our best! This is a shock to all of us, believe me... I would say your condolences-" Kaitlyn grabbed a hold of Kunikida's collar.


"Kaitlyn, that's enough." Chuuya put a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "This dick's not worth it." Kaitlyn let go and buried her head in her fathers chest, crying.

"I have to go file these. I'll leave you two alone." Kunikida turned on his heel and left the apartment. Kaitlyn sobbed and Chuuya patted her back comfortingly.

"...How can they all just disappear? I don't get it... none of this makes any sense!!"

"I know, Kaitlyn. I want them back too... even that... Dazai." Chuuya let Kaitlyn go and sighed out. "I'm gonna go get some air... maybe you should listen to what Kunikida said just in case. Ok? I'll be back." Chuuya left through the front door, leaving Kaitlyn alone.

The girl decided to sit on the couch that once belonged to a family very dear to her. Taking out a photo, she reminisced, letting a tear fall onto the photo of her, Athina, and Jenna. They were all smiling and laughing, having fun like they usually did. 'Where did you guys go..?' she sighed. That's when she heard a voice from deeper into the apartment.



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