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"You know I'll never get used to at how big and extravagant your house is, like how do you not get lost into this endless maze like halls and what does your father do again?"

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"You know I'll never get used to at how big and extravagant your house is, like how do you not get lost into this endless maze like halls and what does your father do again?"

"Not now Jisung,"

"Oh right, right," he jogged to my side catching up to me, him noticing my struggles he willfully took my bag and carried it which I mumbled a thanks while I fast stumped towards the living room to ease my mind.

Resting my head down, I closed my eyes taking a deep breathe as I sank deeper feeling the comfort of the massive soft padded couch

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Resting my head down, I closed my eyes taking a deep breathe as I sank deeper feeling the comfort of the massive soft padded couch.

Another weight had been added Jisung's, sitting down not too far away from me, "Mind telling me what happened?" I groaned in annoyance as I held up my index finger signaling him to hush , not really in the mood yet to talk about it.

"What would you like for dinner Lady y/n?"

It was as that moment It felt like all my worries and stress has come to get resolved. My eyes shot open, almost cried in happiness upon seeing Mrs.Choi right there standing a few steps away with her usual poised posture.

"Mrs.Choi!" I called enthusiastically, "I would really really love a Bibimbap, Jjajangmyeon, Tteokbokki and a Kimchi Stew please," When I had been invited over at Jisung's household it was an eye opening to a new world for me, after that I'd never been the same as before.

Instead of Five Star Michelin worthy dishes I always looked and craved for these simple dishes.

"What would you like?"

"Uh I'll just get a Ramen," I raised my eyebrow at him, "Are you sure? You could ask for anything you know, a lobster? Steak?"

"Nah, nah I'm good," hearing his response I smacked his shoulder, "Yah, how many times have I told you to be comfortable when you're here at my house, don't worry about the cost and shit, it's just food, and knowing your fatass you could never get contented over a ramen,"

"No really Ramen is fi-"

"He'll have a barbecue, add lots of lettuce and wagyu please, thank you Mrs.Choi,"

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