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Whatever I had did in my past life thank you so much because I right now all I could think is that I had been blessed by the gods. Slapping myself for being a dumb bitch I stood up immediately and helped him up, I looked over to my side and felt thankful that Jisung lent a hand cause damn boy he's heavy.

"Jisung to the infirmary," I ordered.

"Yes ma'am," he replied. I do tend to let my authority side to come up whenever something serious happened. We both carried him together, Jisung supporting his left while I support on his right. "I- I can do it myse-" he managed to slip off from our grip but as soon as he did he almost lost his balance, thankfully Jisung had caught him just in time, "Woah easy there dude just let us help you,"

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this shit,"

I could feel him staring at me but he said nothing, Jisung came with him inside the clinic as I insisted to stay outside. Fumbling with my shirt the door opened and Jisung gave out a heavy sigh, "Damn, that was-"

"Embarrassing," I finally let it out, I had been holding it after that fall, eyes widening I grabbed Jisung's shoulder and shook him repeatedly, "Jisuunggggg," I whined his name,

"Damn woman what have you been eating," he gasped at the sudden pressure, he tried to pry my hands away but I held on tighter.

"The way I looked at him when he-he fell, I -I couldn't control it," I shook him harder upon remembering the past events, "he must've thought that I'm a pervert or something, but I couldn't help it he was just so hot damn f-"

I stopped and flinched at the sudden loud bang of the door, our heads snapping towards the direction, my eyes almost popped right out of its sockets, "-uck," I breathed out, there stood the one and only the boy in lip piercing staring right back at me.

"I-" but before I could even redeem myself he had already sprinted away from us. I stared dumbfounded at his disappearing figure, My brain had finally stopped functioning, I am glued stuck on the floor.

Looking back at Jisung my face fell almost in the verge of crying, "Kill me please," I begged desperately.

But as unbelievable as it sounds I was not born yesterday to not miss that red hue that painted on the gangster's cheeks.


News travels fast, feeling self conscious I clung into Jisung's arms hoping that he could hide myself from the bone chilling staring and gossiping of my fellow students across the hall.

Feeling his body vibrating I looked up and saw that Jisung's been laughing. A sudden feel of annoyance rushed inside me so I pinched his side, "Ow!" He screeched in pain and scooted far away from me, he looked at me with pain, shock and disbelief. "Why'd you do that for?" He asked while caressing his side.

"You deserve that you little shit," it seems like he wasn't even bothered at all because he just continued to what he was doing before, which was laughing. "You-you're so dumb, the guy was just a door behind us and you go ranting about how ho-" before he could even continue I covered my ears and ran away, face flushed red in embarrassment.

Bursting inside the classroom with a troubled mind, I never left my eyesight from the ground until I sat into my chair. "Damn you Jisung, damn you," Calming down my nerves I took out a long sigh, sliding down a bit and closing my eyes with my head resting back on the top rail.

I feel sleepy.

Sighing once again, exhausted.

I can't wait for this day to end and just go home and be reunited with my bed again.

I peeked a one eye open.

Strange, why everyone's so quiet today. Come to think of it ever since I've entered, the class had filled with nothing but silence.

Fully opening both of my eyes, I went back to sit properly and saw that all eyes were on me.

What the fowk.

𝙡𝙞𝙥 𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 || hwang hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now