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This were times where I wished that I would just fly to planet Mars and never come back. Because damn, I could feel myself getting sweaty as their eyes intensely stared and gossiped maliciously of something about me and the bad boy in lip piercing, Hwang Hyunjin.

I wish I could get back that confidence I once had a while ago but it seems like It has never been there before, Jisung's not here with me. We were like an inseparable duo where I couldn't be really complete without him.

Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse the door slammed open, turning all heads including mine.

Its him.

Hwang Hyunjin

I swear with this silence you could even hear the slightest breathing of someone else's.
Everyone watched his every move, from the moment he closed the door with his left hand because apparently his right hand was bandaged.

A sense of guilt washed over me.

Its because of my fat ass.

To the moment where he passed by my direction and I could just feel his presence lingering there, confused I turned around and wouldn't believe my eyes when the kid who's seated there immediately scurried himself away taking all his stuffs with him leaving his chair unoccupied.

Wait does this mean that-

Before I could even continue that thought Hyunjin sat, officially marking it as his territory. He looked up meeting my eyes with looks that could kill.

Leaning in closer to me looking pissed I mean who wouldn't be when someone who weighs over like a damn elephant just trampled you over almost killing you who wouldn't be mad, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, I just prepared myself for the worse.


"Eh?" I blinked, dumbfounded all I could do was just looked at him in disbelief and confusion, I thought he was going to throw some shit on me or like to threaten my life for injuring him because by the looks of it it he looks like he was about hang me in front of the school but no, mans really came just to say hi.

"I-uh hello?" I don't know what to say, everything's just very shocking to me, the corner of his mouth twitches, Until it curled slightly upwards, all those efforts turned into a smirk. W-was he trying to smile?

My eyes almost wide in shock it was at that moment that I had finally came to realize something.

All this time everyone even I fell for that he was a bad boy because of his stereotypical physical looks, but seeing him right on front of me the awkwardness this guy radiates is hilarious, I couldn't help but giggle.

Suddenly he lost balance on his chair making a loud bang almost giving me a heart attack, which startled everyone.

"She's gonna die," someone talked out loud causing my ears to perk up. Everyone gasped in shock and in fear.

Ayo wait! He's not-

Everyone went silent all in their guards, they watched the whole scene as if it was from an high school drama.

"I can't believe she pushed him out of his chair!" Someone gasped.

Bitch when the fuck did I even?

"That bitch is gonna regret starting a fight with Hyunjin,"

I looked around in disbelief eyes wide in shock,
"I-I- it's not what it looks like it's-" I tried to reason but everyone started to give me that look.

Wait are y'all blind! Didn't y'all saw that he fell on his own?!

I wanted to say that but for some reason cat got my tongue.

When I heard him groan in pain, that snapped me back to reality, oh shit I forgot he's injured. Not caring about the crowd I immediately stood up and came to his aid, when I was about to touch him he suddenly grabbed my hand, almost making me jump.

"I-I can do it," He muttered, he was purposely avoiding my eye, looking guilty as if this was all his fault.

"Is she that dumb?!"

"She really never learn!"

There he is again, my eyes softened looking at him, he just reminds me of myself, of those times where I tend to push others when I needed help. An unhealthy habit that still I haven't gotten over from.

Fuck this, All I just want was to help him right now not giving anymore damn, right at that moment someone slammed the door open.

"What is happening here?!" Snapping our heads towards the voice, it's Mr.Lee our home room teacher, upon seeing us his look turned into fury. I haven't really noticed that everyone has been watching even the other students from the other class are here, poking their heads over the window.

"L/n and Hwang principal's office now!"

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