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My heart pace quicken,

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My heart pace quicken,

You can do this y/n!

I took a deep breath, lifting my hand to slide the doors open. But I dropped it once again this time placing it on my beating heart.

Fuck this!

I boldly opened the door, The door slammed hard. Everyone turned their heads towards me, I blushed crimson red, Maybe too bold.

"Im sorry, Im sorry,"

I apologized and they go back into whatever they were doing, I sat on my chair with a frown on my face. I slumped my head on the table, and let out a deep sigh.

Maybe I'll just buy another one.

My head perked up when the room suddenly became instantly quiet. Then I saw him again, he was looking around as if he's looking for something.

And our eyes met.

He's wearing a hat again.

He started walking towards into my direction,

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He started walking towards into my direction,

Oh my god why is he angry?

I looked down playing with my fingers, trying to distract myself from the intense stares I've been receiving, especially from him. I crossed my fingers praying that he wasn't after me.

Without a minute passed I already felt his presence beside me, oh my god he's really after me!

I swallowed a lump of saliva, my hands were shaking, nervous as shit.

What if I pissed him off because I was staring too much? Oh no! Im so dead! Somebody, anyone please help me! Fucking Jisung, why does he had to be sick.

"You left this,"

I saw a paper bag onto my table, I looked up there he is staring at me, he immediately looked away and pinched the bridge of his nose, I couldn't find any words to say.

Did he just-

I was about to stand up and say my thanks but he was already gone, damn he's fast. I ran after him but to see him already meters away from me, disappearing from the crowd.

I swear is it just me or is it just that his ears were red?

𝙡𝙞𝙥 𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 || hwang hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now