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I turned around and my eyes widened in shock, there's Jisung groaning clutching his stomach in pain.

To get it straight I was just about to go to lunch when suddenly a creature just decided to appear out of nowhere scaring the shit out of me.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I'm so so so sorry Jisung," I latched my arm into his shoulders, I looked down at him in worry checking for some possible injuries. Whispers filled my ears taking a peak, I saw people looking and obviously talking about us, "Come on Jisung lets go somewhere else," I whispered.

Getting the idea, he straightened up his posture and latched his arm into my shoulders, we stopped at the stairs finally getting away from the crowd, I faced him and crossed my arms. "How come you are so popular? I don't get it,"

"Honey, do you see this?" He poses showing off his non existent biceps, "and this?" He made another pose, imitating a bodybuilder. I bit the inside of my cheeks to prevent myself from laughing, "and this?" This time he shoved his ugly face closer to me, giving me a goofy smile.

I rolled my eyes and pushed his face away from me, "Why'd you do that for?" He pouted, I made the most disgusted face and started fake puking. "Ew, don't do that you look ugly,"

"Bitch have you seen yourself in the mirror?" He fired back, I gasped in disbelief placing my hand into my heart completely offended. I laughed bitterly, "Yah- umpff!" I lunged myself at him ready to attack but before I could even touch him he immediately engulf me into a head lock. I kept on punching his arm, "Yah! Yah! Are you crazy?! Let me go, YAH!"

Then suddenly hearing a thud of footsteps coming up from the stairs, you followed the sounds and there you saw a life form who's just about to go down but stopping on his tracks when he saw what is happening right in front of his eyes, he just simply stood there staring at the both of you, dumbfounded. You don't really care about anything at the moment so seeing someone even if you don't really know that person.

Desperate for help you opened your mouth.

"YAH! What are you standing there for? Help me!" A confused Jisung looked up but he was too late, before he knew it he was already on the ground.

What the-

It all felt like everything was in slow motion, you unknowingly had suddenly spun around feeling a strong grip on your wrist pulling you in such a strong tug, until you crashed into someone else's chest.

You couldn't even blink, it all happened so fast.


Just so you thought anything's couldn't get anymore confusing there you saw your best friend sitting on the floor.

"Dude who are you?" Jisung spoke breaking you out from your trance,

"I should ask the same thing to you," you could feel your capturer's chest rising up and down as he spoke.

"I'm her best friend," Jisung answered then pulling you out from the boy's grip, turning you around in the process, Now you've got a clear view of who was your savior.

"I'm her best friend," Jisung answered then pulling you out from the boy's grip, turning you around in the process, Now you've got a clear view of who was your savior

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"Hey I think there is a fight!"

"Yah! Isn't that Hwang Hyunjin?


Looking around a small crowd had suddenly formed, getting closer to us, They even got their phones out

Just where did these people came from.

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