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I took sips onto my hot chocolate, the entire time my ears were burning. I am seated further a bit away from the counter so I could watch him from afar without noticing me.

The way he moves, how he treat and make each one of those coffees with such care and passion, you can see it in his eyes how much effort and love he put into it, and how every time he smiles towards every costumer

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The way he moves, how he treat and make each one of those coffees with such care and passion, you can see it in his eyes how much effort and love he put into it, and how every time he smiles towards every costumer. As if like all that bad boy stereotype had been gone, maybe he was just misunderstood after all.

Like how I misunderstood him before as a bad boy.

He's really hot, I mean just look at those biceps! I even forgot that he was in the same class as me, like he doesn't even look like a high school student. And as far as I know if that school find out that he's a working student he would be punished.

How did he even managed to get one?

My phone ringing made me snap out of my thoughts, I looked towards the caller ID and gasp.

Oh crap! What time was it?

I immediately looked up and saw that it's near 8:00 pm, I almost choked on my chocolate chip. I remember coming here was past 6 and damn, I lost track of time.

"Hey Mr.Han I'm so sorry I didn't notice what ti-"

"YOOOOO (NICKNAME)!!!!!" An enthusiastic scream rang into the speakers, I flinched putting my phone away from my almost damaged ears. "WHATS UPP!!! OW! Appa that hurts, don't shout in phone calls! Ye, ye, anyways (nickname) whats uppp!," I laughed at their father and son moment.

"Im fine, yah! how come you didn't tell me you were sick? And here I thought we had something special," I faked sobbed at the end,

"Wow very great acting you should be awarded a grammy for that!" I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic remark, I was about to snap back but his coughs on the background made me close my mouth.

"Yah! What have you been doing that you got yourself sick huh? I told you to always take care of yourself, Don't make me worry," there was a pause, I had to look at the phone to see if he's already hanged up.

"Thank you (nickname) for everything," he suddenly spoke out of the blue, his voice suddenly turned soft, whenever he does that it makes me weak and emotional, "Yah, stop it, you know I hate it when you suddenly become serious like that, and seriously why are you even thanking me for?"

"(Nickname) you don't know how much you are a gift to us,"

Damn it, don't cry don't cry don't cry.

"Yah Im hanging up," I'm a sensitive person okay, a simple act of kindness can make me all emotional and all, and I don't really want to cry all of a sudden in public. I'll have to call him back once I get home.

I looked up at the time and sighed, I forgot to buy some books today, what a bummer. Well at least I got to eat some delicious chocolate chip cookies and~

My ears burned once again, It took me straight 4 minutes thinking of a strategy how to sneak a glance at him before I leave, I stood up and started doing my plan.

I pretended to look at the menu and at the food display, making me look like as if my attention were towards the foods but actually he's the one I'm after for.

As my eyes landed on him, our eyes met once again. I immediately averted my gaze and sprinted away from the shop, grasping my shoulder bag straps out of nervousness.

He caught me! He caught me! Abort mission! Abort mission!

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