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Wangjog Academy왕족학원

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Wangjog Academy

Yawning, I drowsily woke up stretching my sore muscles. Give me a moment to shed the sleep from my brain, when I could finally think straight, the marks on my arm didn't went unnoticed, I definitely did had a great nap.

Feeling different for some reason, something's not right.

Confused as to why's the people in my class aren't throwing shits around like they normally do like a bunch of animals that just escaped from the zoo,

The classroom was quiet for the first time in my whole years. Whispering in  hushed voices they do, as if they don't wanna be caught by someone else in the room.

"Have you heard?"


"The dean's son is back," the girl in front of me gasped, eyes wide in shock .

"So you mean that's him?" The girl nodded as both looked like they received some unbelievable news.

Just what the hell happened when i was asleep?

Wanting to see it for myself I looked towards the direction they were all staring at. I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised or flustered at the sight of the boy who seated at the far back corner of the room.

Fuck, his lip ring's hot.

My ears burned, he's just as exactly as how I pictured my ideal man, I couldn't tore my gaze away. Its like the piercing was made just for him, lips so plump it makes me wanna just bite it off.

Wait bite what now?

I internally slapped my face, this what happens when a sea god suddenly appeared in an ocean filled with squids.

I noticed that he's wearing a beanie, it made his forehead exposed. I was amazed due to the fact that he's the first guy who I have seen with such style.

I mean it's so uncommon. Everywhere, every guy in this school have their forehead covered by their hair. His entire look made him look like he didn't put any effort at it yet he looks much more attractive compared to them.

I haven't even seen his eyes yet I couldn't stop staring at him.
Just how dumb was I to even think that he won't notice me staring at him when
suddenly his eyes fluttered open catching me off guard.

I honestly felt intimidated, he caught me!

He looks pissed. I might've made him uncomfortable beacuse he adjusted his beanie down, attempting to block whatever he thought where I was staring at.

Just as when he moved, everyone immediately turned their gazes away. The classroom was dead silent, you could even hear a pin drop.

Well everyone but me, it was just only me and him.

My brain screams for me to look away but I couldn't bring myself to, he's just like a piece of art that you couldn't stop admiring and appreciating its beauty.

To even think such pretty eyes would be staring straight into mine got me feeling all weak.

Never in my life I imagined myself that I'd be experiencing something straight out of a novel.

𝙡𝙞𝙥 𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 || hwang hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now