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"Did I do something to you?" Jisung finally snapped. They've been having this glaring contest for quite a while, oh no his tone. This is bad.

"Ya-yah jisung let's just forget it okay," I clung into his arm for dear life, who knows if I let go he might do something he didn't mean. "Bu-but y/n," I slapped the back of his head, "Aww what was that for," he whined, gasps filled the hallway.

"Di-did you record that?"

"Yes, yes everything,"

I looked around and saw people with their phones out being nosy as they'll ever be, you already know that I'm a very patient person, when something pissed me off I'll just take a deep breath and be calm, but this is just too much.

Okay that's it!

I let go of Jisung and took a step forward, and glared at them. Surprised they took a step back, almost tripping. I really hate it when people stuck their noses out in someone's business, don't they have anything to do with their life except for being nosy and gossip around?

"Mwo?!" I glared at everyone. They nervously gulped and slowly brought down their phones. Before I could do something I might regret someone held me back and dragged me downstairs. As I was being dragged my eyes widened in shock when I met with same of those shocked ones of Jisung.

So if Jisung is there then who is-

I whipped my head around and almost choked when I saw his broad shoulders and that signature hat of his.

Where is he taking me?

"Yah!" Jisung's voice boomed, and before I knew it another hand has took a grip of my right hand. "Let her go," Jisung's voice was full of demand and authority , I admit it scared me a bit, I've never seen him like this before.

Now both of my arms are occupied, on my right theres Jisung glaring down at Hyunjin who also has a grip on my left.

Hyunjin didn't speak, hence he had never utter any single word all this time. All he had been doing is staring which made it much more scarier, if you had just seen his eyes this whole time I would've been surprised if you'll suddenly back off once he took a single glance at you.

He didnt need to raise his voice or use any violence to make people become wary of him.


And before I knew it a strong tug on my left made Jisung's grip loosened, my eyes widened.

Oh shit.

Then I lost my balance. Remember kids don't ever ever play tug of war on the stairs. I let out a shriek when I felt myself falling, it happened so fast all I could hear were people screaming and Jisung's calling out for my name.


I squinted my eyes shut, waiting for the impact but instead of the cold hard floor ive met with a soft kind of hard thing.

Hearing a groan I opened my eyes and what a sight to see.

My eyes widened and I couldnt do anything but stare, he was groaning and all that I could say was.


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