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It was a hot topic in the academy.

The goody two shoes with the bad boy.

What kind of fucking stereotype is that? Just because I do well in school doesn't mean that I'm that that girl. I mean like I just tend to avoid troubles as much as possible because I prefer a quiet and unproblematic year.

And also Hyunjin, that man was just misunderstood, well come to think of it I haven't seen him ever since that incident with the Dean. Sighing once again for like the hundredth time this morning I realized I had to actually stand up and sacrifice my nap to look for him later at lunch break to maybe negotiate a deal or something regarding our current situation.

Really desperate for that grades.

I let my head rest on the table sighing feeling the energy drained away from me. I just really really wanted a good nap, hoping that I could be feeling that blissful life I've been dreaming of just for once in another world through dreams.


Well I guess there goes my peaceful days, My face my mood my everything had turned sour, now I understood what Saiki Kusuo had felt. Not wanting to deal with this bullshit so early in the morning I decided to ignore the annoying bitch.

"Yah!" This time a deafening shriek made me cringe in pain as my table had been kicked away making it fall causing a loud noise on the tiled floors of the classroom instantly shutting everyone up.

Oh, no, no, no, please no! Don't tell me this is another drama! At this point I'm convinced that I attract pests.

Internally screaming, I kept my eyes closed facing the floor, my hair served as a curtain to physically cover up my lifeless expression.

Seeing her figure loomed over me, all I could do was just stare at her incredibly tacky shoes.

"Yah, I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?!"

Who is this bitch? Why is she even starting a fight? at this hour seriously?, Does she have any other better things to do?

I held back my fists clutching the hem of my skirt tightly praying for it to not come flying at her face, I've got enough punishment from the dean please I don't want no more.

My patience running thin as tried my best to ignore the pushing of my head by her finger , Taking deep breathes as she goes.

Oh how I just wished to be under the shade of a tree with a good book to read as the wind's breeze to caress my face, giving me a feeling of absolute comfort and bliss.

With that short profound experience of imagination I came back to reality when a sound of whimpers filled my ears.

Confused I looked up and just as I thought my life couldn't get any more worse a certain devil from another world has come to make my life miserable.

Confused I looked up and just as I thought my life couldn't get any more worse a certain devil from another world has come to make my life miserable

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Who she was once stood arrogantly and proud became a mouse as she cowers in fear as the devil towers over her little form. His stare was enough to make someone fall down on their knees, begging to spare for their lives.

I wasn't even in her position but the back of my hair stood up, chills coursed down my spine, knowing all too well how that felt like.

"You're in my way," He spoke in a low bone-chilling voice, the last time I remembered his voice wasn't that deep, it went from scary to scarier.

That was enough to make her scurrying like a little mouse that she is, in the end she was all bark no bite.

He hasn't really spared me a glance, did he perhaps didn't recognized me?

My heart bursted into leaps of joy, a smile breaking down my face. I could tolerate all the unwanted attention from everyone but not him. He's just that one person I wouldn't want to even have slightest tinniest bit of contact with.

"Has my kitten forgotten his master?"

Everyone was too stunned to speak.

It was at that moment that I just wanted for God to take me with him to heaven and beg to be reincarnated as a tree in my next life.

He was that kind of person.

That individual who whatever he says is hot, no matter how cringe and stupid it is, Because he's just really that hot.

Talk about pretty privilege.

Pretending to not hear him I slowly picked up the table from the floor and put it back to where it stood once before. I pushed back my hair and tied it into a ponytail, it was starting to itch my face.

Letting him know that I won't get swayed over by him I stared right back into his eyes.

Ha! Does this bitch really thought he could just easily embarrass me like that?  Well I ain't going down without a fight.

Hands on his pocket, he took a menacingly slow footsteps towards me, closing the distance, The intensity between us made the room chillier in this winter air.

Seeing how tall he was I had to crane up my neck to match up his pace, daring not to break the eye contact.

Who was he even trying to intimidate? Bitch please I know this man like the back of my hand. He doesn't like it when someone fights him back, he's too much of a prideful prick, his ego won't let him lose.

I couldn't even care less how long we had been doing this staring contest not gonna lie my neck starting to hurt, damn this tall mother fucker.

As if on cue the bell rang ending off our fight.

"Just as I thought, you haven't changed." Putting a hand on my head, petting it like I'm some sort of a cat he walked off to sit on his chair like nothing just happened.

I turned around and stuck out a tongue at him. He's lucky that bell saved him or else I would've poked his eyes with my long nails if it had stayed longer for a second.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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