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When you first start high school, they tell you to enjoy it. That time moves quickly, it'll be over in the blink of an eye.

When you're a freshman, you think, yeah right.

By the time you're a junior, you start noticing the amount of time that's passed, you notice how little time left you have.

So, currently, I was on the floor of my bathroom breaking down. The summer going into senior year was almost over and I was starting to freak out.

I had so little time left with the people that I had spent the majority of my life with. Who knew where they'd go and how long it would take for us to find each other again.

God, I was overthinking things. I always do. My dad says that's my only flaw.

He's just being nice, I have many.

"Ok, get off the floor." My long time best friend, Scooter, demands. His voice is short and stiff with annoyance.

I was fanning my face, "How are you not freaking out right now? We have like a month left of summer and then we're seniors. And then it's all over. And we go to college. What if we decide to not go to the same college. I've never been away from you for that long, Scooter. Oh god."

Scooter sighs as he squats next to me, laying a hand on my knee, "You're thinking too much. Think about it like this, we have a month left of summer and you have an empty house for the next two weeks. That's fourteen days, no parents. Think of all the parties you can throw."

I groan and move to lay flat against the floor, Scooter's hand leaves my knee, "Do you even know how much work a party is? There's so much that goes into it."

Scooter grins at me, "Well, you have me." He says sweetly.

His statement causes me to groan again, "You never help me with these things. I always end up doing it alone."

"What if I promise?"

"You promised last time too." I remind him. I close my eyes, my eyelids covering the bright white lights of my bathroom.

"Alright, I'm getting bored. Get up." I hear movement from next to me, which means Scooter is probably standing over me right now and either going to walk away from me or he's going to force me to get up.

I lift my hands in the air, "Help."

I hear Scooter sigh and then his hands clasp around mine as he pulls me into a standing position and then his hands are on the back of my thighs as he bends down and lifts me over his shoulder, "You always do this." I whine as I open my eyes.

"You weren't doing what I told you to."

I poke his spine, "Tsk, so bossy."

"Someone has to tell you what to do or else you won't do it." Scooter shoots back.

I shrug and I put my elbows on his back to hold my chin up, "Fair point. Can you set me down now or do I just live up here now?"

"We're leaving."

I smile, "I love when we leave."

Scooter carries me all the way to his car and sets me down by the passenger side of the car. My curly brown hair flips into my face, blocking my vision and I move it out of my face, "You're always so aggressive when you set me down." I huff as I open the passenger door and get in, buckling my seat belt.

"Oh, I'm sorry Your Highness. Next time I'll set you down like the fragile little baby you are." I huff out a breath of air as Scooter starts the car, "What is it, Jess?"

I cross my arms across my chest, "You're so sassy today, and it's just past noon. What's going on with you?"

"Sorry, it's just Rick drama."

I immediately perk up, "Oh, Rick drama. My favorite. Tell me, tell me."

Scooter sighs as he turns left out of my neighborhood, "Remember how I told you that him and Mindy were on another one of their breaks?" I nod, "Right, so they got back together but Rick found out that Mindy hooked up with someone while they weren't together. Of course, he's pissed about it but he's been taking it out on me, like I can't do anything without Rick blowing up on me. It's getting mega annoying."

"He's always been the jealous type. Like when I dated him-"

"That was literally freshman year." Scooter interrupts me.

"Hush," I scold, "What I'm saying is relevant to the conversation so shut up. But basically, when we were dating, he would get so mad whenever I would breathe in the direction of another guy. He hated our friendship, like it would get him so mad because I was always with you."

"Oh, yeah. I remember that. He was always kissing you in front of me like it was some power play."

I let out a loud laugh, "Yeah, he was so annoying."

"Hey." Scooter warns me.

"C'mon, Scooter. I'm his friend too, I love the kid. But you have to be honest with yourself, Rick is a total ass."

Scooter looks at me quickly before putting his focus back on the road while he snickers, "Yeah, you've got a point."

We sit in a comfortable silence and I turn to watch the road, "Hey, where are we even going?"

"Cole's house. He's holding some stuff for me."

I groan, already knowing what that means, "Scooter, I already told you that we are not throwing a party at my house."

"Relax, Jess. I said I'd help you with a party, wouldn't it be even better if I planned the whole thing for you." Scooter tried to make the whole thing sound like a cherry on the top but I seriously didn't want a party happening at my house.

"You won't be the one who's stuck cleaning my whole ass house after everyone trashes it."

"I'll sleep over and clean it with you tomorrow."

"A dozen other people will also be sleeping over."

"Jess, please. You can just hire people to clean your house. Use some of Daddy's money."

"Mommy's money." I correct.

My dad is the Dean at Eden Hall, and yeah he makes a lot of money but my mom is the real breadwinner. She is an heiress to a powerful company that I have no idea was all about but hey, brought in money that I could spend so I wasn't complaining.

Scooter finally pulled up to Cole's house and unbuckles his seatbelt, before he could get out I grab his arm, "Scooter, not a big party."

Scooter smiles at me, "Of course. This isn't a Riley party." I roll my eyes and let go of Scooter's arm, letting him leave the car.

I watch Scooter ring the doorbell, Cole come out, both of them go to Cole's car and they both grab boxes of stuff that was clearly put into different boxes to be sneaky. It didn't work, you could clearly tell there was beer in there. Props to Cole for trying though.

They open the backseat doors and I turn to face the two of them, "Hey, Cole."

"Wassup Jess, throwing a party?"

"Not really. More like Scooter's throwing a small party. Emphasis on the small part. You're cool to come, man. Just ask Scooter to tell you everything. I have no idea what's going on."

Cole laughs at me and closes the door as him and Scooter walk back to Cole's car, they talk for a minute before Scooter comes back to the car and climbs in, "Ready for a party?"

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