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The rest of the week had gone by without a single interaction with Scooter. It was partially my fault, I'm not afraid to admit it, but I also knew that Scooter didn't want to hear a sound from me for probably the next seven years.

He's always liked the number seven.

I tried my hardest to avoid Owen too, especially when I knew Scooter would be near. It wasn't my fault that I failed at that, Owen just always seemed to find me; especially when I didn't want him to. He'd sling his arm across my shoulder and a lazy smile would decorate his face. Sometimes I wanted to punch him, other times I was grateful for still having a friend.

Owen was still in the dark about the whole situation, he had even asked me about why Scooter had been ignoring him.

"Jess, I have a question."

"Shoot." I grab a book off of the shelves in the library as Owen follows me back to my table.

He runs a hand through his brown hair, "Do you know why Scooter's been ignoring me? I honestly don't know what I've done and I remembered that you two are practically attached at the hip, so if someone knows anything, it would be you."

I tense at Owen's question and my voice comes out squeaky when I reply, "No...no, I have no idea."

His eyebrows scrunch up and he runs his hand through his hair again, "Weird. Anyways, that wasn't really the point of this whole conversation."

"Oh, so you didn't just want to follow me around the library?"

Owen takes a seat across from me and brings his feet up to rest on the seat next to him, "I'll follow you around the library, if you want." I snicker and roll my eyes at him, "But, I wanted to see what you were doing this weekend. I want to hangout with you, seems like we haven't in awhile."

There's a reason for that, dear Owen.

"Oh...I can't. I've got my psych and history essays due next week and I've been putting them off for way too long. I have family things going on too. I'm sorry."

Owen's eyes show his disappointment but he blinks it away, standing up and smiling at me, "No worries. I'll see you later, Jess."

"See you, Owen." I watch him walk out of the library and then I plop down, face first into the psych book I had taken off of the shelf, groaning.

The conversation had happened on Thursday and I had spent the time I had after school on Friday and the majority of Friday hidden away in the library, trying to knock out my stupid homework assignments.

I groaned as I closed my history textbook. I had really chosen to take both AP psych and history this year. How stupid could I be? It was a shame that I was good at it too, it only made my teachers push me harder and expect the best. It was bad enough that I was the Dean's daughter but I was actually smart so I had to act smart.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I was just about ready to collect all my things and head back to my dorm to go to sleep when I saw the all to familiar flash of red at a table a little ways away. I looked over, against my will of course, to see a group of hockey boys doing homework. God, I should take a picture, I didn't know that they did homework. I saw Adam and I smiled. I stood up, deciding that I wanted to talk to Adam, I hadn't seen the kid in a minute and I wanted to check how he was doing. That was when, of course, Scooter walked up to the group and took a seat.

He looks so pretty.

He always does.


I'm utterly confused with myself. I have two perfectly amazing boys after me, this shit only happens in movies or the romance books I read. I managed to piss one of them off enough to where he doesn't want to talk to me, I've slept with both of them (both enjoyable, would do again), and I still don't know how I'm feeling towards either of them.

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