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"Should we really be getting high up here?" Maggie asks me.

"Hush." I answer, sparking the joint. I lean against the short safety walls on the roof of the school. I look over at Maggie to see her looking over the edge, the wind pushing her red hair away from her face. She huffs out a breath, the exhale marked by the white spirit coming out of her mouth. I offer the joint when she looks at me and she takes it.

I grab the sweatshirt from my backpack and pull it over me, attempting to block out the cold. "Got an extra one, by chance?"

"I do not, sorry."

"It's alright," Maggie passes to me, "So, did you figure out your situation?"

I cough at her question, the smoke in my lungs not helping with that either, "No, I think I'm just going to accept the fact that he never wants to talk to me again."

Slight dismay plays across Maggie's freckled face, "You should talk to him."

I roll my eyes and take a lazy hit, "And what good what that do? See, here's what I could see happening if I talked to him," I sit up straighter, "A) he shuts the door in my face, B) he yells at me, or C) he lets me talk but we get into an argument anyways."

"Are those the only options?" I nod, "That's stupid."

I pass the joint to her as I lean against the wall again, the hard surface digging into my back, "Maggie, I've known Scooter since we were babies; when I say that a situation is going to turn out in one of those three options, it's going to end up as one of those three situations."

She purses her lips at me, staring, "Yeah, no. I don't think it'll go that way."

I lean my head back and laugh shortly, "And why do you think that, my dear friend?"

Maggie shrugs, "I have a feeling."

I snort and Maggie gives me a slightly hurt look, the corners of her mouth turn downwards slightly, "I'm sorry, but I don't exactly think that a feeling is something that's going to determine how this is going to go with him."

"Why not?"

I lick my lips, "Not sure, I guess I have a feeling." I answer, poking a little bit of fun at her. Maggie huffs and then smiles at me, "Besides, if you had seen how devastated he looked when I walked out of Owen's room, you would understand where I'm coming from."

"Owen and Scooter, the ones on the hockey team?" I nod and take another hit, "Oh..."

I furrow my brows and turn my head slightly to look at Maggie. She has an absent look as she stares up at the stars, the wind whips her hair onto her face, clinging to her forehead and lips, "Do you want a hair tie?" I grab one off of my wrist, "You can have one if you want." I offer.

My offer breaks her out of her daydream and she snaps her attention towards me. She gently takes the hair tie from my outstretched hand and pulls her hair back, thanking me. "Yeah, of course. I have a question for you."

"Do you?"

I smile and nod at her, "I do, yes." A laugh catches in my throat, "What was with the far off look when you figured out it was Owen and Scooter?"

A whimsical smile dances on her lips as she gets the far off look on her face again. She pushes her lips together and then looks over at me, "Nothing."

I pull myself up into a sitting position after I had slid down the wall and was practically laying down. I put my chin on my knees and wrap my arms around me as I watch her, "Now that's not fair. You got to hear about basically my whole life, I just wanna know this itsy bitsy little thing...C'mon, spill." Maggie giggles and then buries her face into her hands. She parts her fingers and looks at me through the open spaces. I raise my eyebrows at her and she laughs again, hiding in her knees this time.

"Maggie, please." I practically beg.

Maggie looks up and then grins widely, "Ok, fine. Did you know Owen has a sister?" I shake my head no, "Oh...well...she was the first girl I was ever into. I don't know...I guess learning that this is about Owen is funny because I've known him since he was like a nerd; he had the little glasses with the bandaid holding it together and everything."

I clasp a hand to my mouth, "No!" Maggie nods and I lean forward, laughing deeply, "No! That's so bad! Owen? Really?"

Maggie pushes her lips together to smother a laugh but when she starts nodding she breaks and leans forward, falling onto my shoulder as she laughs just as hysterically as I am, "God, he had a lisp because his front two teeth were missing and everything." She added. I laugh harder, clutching onto my stomach at the thought of Owen with broken glasses and missing front teeth.

I wipe at my cheeks, my tears falling unwillingly as I laugh, "I can imagine it too. Oh my god." Maggie and I wheeze, holding onto each other so we don't fall face first onto the hard cement that we were sitting on.

Maggie practically screams with laughter as the memory probably plays over again in her head, "He carried a little stuffed dinosaur around with him wherever he went."

I grab Maggie's shoulder as I the image of nerdy little Owen holding a stuffed dinosaur flashes in my head, "Oh my god, that's actually so cute."

"It was! I swear, except the fact that he named it John."

"John?" Maggie fans herself as we calm down from our hysterics and she nods at my question, "What type of child names their childhood stuffy John?"

Maggie leans over again laughing, "I don't know!"

When we both finally calm down enough, I notice Maggie start to shiver and I look down at my watch, "It's late, we should go back to our dorms." Maggie looks down at her watch and agrees, standing up. She offers me her hands and pulls me into a standing position. I grab my backpack and then we leave the roof, climbing down the ladder back into the heated school.

Maggie and I continuously bump into each other, bouncing away from each other and giggling each time we collide, a fun little game as we make our way back to our dorms.

"Jess?" A voice asks.

I turn around to see the Dean, my father, staring at the two of us in confusion, "Father! Hello!" I yell at him.

He makes his way over to the two of us and I giggle to Maggie, "What are you two doing out of bed right now?"

I itch the back of my head as I think of an excuse, "We were studying in the library." I finally come up with.

"The library's that way." Dad answers, pointing opposite the way that we were coming from.

I wave my hand lazily at him, "Well, we got bored of studying and decided we needed a little brain break and some fresh air so we went outside for a little walk."

"Yeah, we just didn't realize how late it was." Maggie cuts in.

Dad stares at us suspiciously, "...Alright." He finally says, "You two go straight to your dorms. Don't let anyone else catch you out this late."

I salute him, "Yessir! Good night." I say as I grab Maggie's hand and pull her away from him.

"Good night." I start to giggle when he calls out again, "Oh, and Jess. Don't forget that you have a dinner with me and your mother this weekend."

I look over my shoulder at him, "I never forget! I knew that!" My Dad nods once at me before we turn the corner, officially escaping him.

"You totally didn't remember that, did you?"

I snort, "Fuck no." I groan, "God, I hate family dinners. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck."

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