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I woke up to the absence of warmth. Owen had promptly disappeared but his side of the bed was still warm. He had only left me recently. I turned over in bed and looked over at the clock at my nightstand.

A piece of paper rests in front of it, I grab it.

"Sorry I didn't stay until you woke up. I had to leave.

I had a great night with you though. I hope we can do it again soon.

Call me,


Owen had written his number underneath his note and I smile as I set the paper back on the nightstand and stand up. Finally getting out of bed.

Before I could leave my room, I caught sight of myself in the mirror and I paused, then I move to go and stare at myself.

I always stare at myself, it comes with being a teenage girl, but today it was different.

I pulled my shirt down lower over my collarbones, "Fuck." Dark marks covered my body on my neck and passed where my shirt was covering.

I grab a sweatshirt from my closet and pull the hood up over my head, covering more of my neck.

I leave my room and make my way downstairs.

I'm surprised, my house isn't as messy as I thought it'd be. That's lucky for Scooter because I'm still totally making him clean all of this up.

I wake up some stragglers and send them on their way before I go into the kitchen and grab some juice from the fridge. When I start to pour my glass I hear a groan and I turn around to see a shirtless Scooter running a hand through his hair as he leans against the wall, "Can you pour me a glass to?" He asks me.

I nod and grab a second glass and pour him some, "You know, you have to clean my house." I say as I hand him his glass.

Scooter groans again and sits down at the island table, "Can we postpone any cleaning till tomorrow?"



I rinse my cup in the sink, "If you find people who will clean my house today then you don't have to do it. But, I told you I wasn't going to clean it up. It was your party."

"But it was at your house." Scooter retorts.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, against my will." I start to grab fruit from my fridge to make myself a fruit bowl, the kitchen is quiet as Scooter watches me. I look over at him and he's staring intensely at me, "Can I help you, Holland?"

"Yes, you can, Buckley."

Scooter walks towards me and pulls the hood off of my head and pulls the collar down more so he can see my neck. I grab his wrist to get his hand off of me but it doesn't do much, "Scooter, stop."

Scooter lets go of me and steps back, leaning against the island, "Who did all that?"

"Your mom."

Scooter laughs sarcastically, "Funny. I'm serious though, I didn't see you leave with anyone."

"I'm serious too. Your mom is very kinky, if you must know."

"Shut up, just tell me."

I half smile at Scooter, "Why do you wanna know? Jealous?"

Scooter scrunches his face up at me, "As if."

I poke Scooter's arm, "Totally jealous."

"You're so funny." Scooter's voice reeks with sarcasm, he reaches over me and grabs a cut up strawberry.

"Your mom thinks so too."

Scooter rolls his eyes at me, "You're so immature."

I smile widely at him as I continue to make myself a fruit bowl, I cut up more fruit too so I can make Scooter one as well.

When we were little, Scooter and I had declared that we would never be together. When we learned what sex was we made each other swear that we would never hook up with each other. We've kept that promise, even if there was some close calls with some drunken nights.

We always pulled away though.

Nothing has ever gotten far between us and we liked it that way. It was just who we are.

Scooter and I had only taken an hour and a half to clean up my house. Which was, for us, a record breaking time. The party was way smaller than the ones I usually would throw, so I didn't really count it in the record book.

Scooter had plopped down on my couch, face first, and was hugging a pillow.

I sat down near his head, "I'm so tired." Scooter groaned.

I patted his head, "Me too."

I turned on the TV and let whatever was on play in the background.

Eventually, Scooter had moved up so his head was on my lap as he watched the show that was playing. I was playing with his hair as I watched too.

Soon, both of us had nodded off, the show practically singing us to sleep. God, it was a boring show.

I woke up to the flash and click of a camera. I blinked quickly to get the flash out of my eyes, I couldn't see anything for the first couple seconds of waking up.

I heard someone giggling and when I could finally see I could see Mindy holding my camera and smiling, "Why are you taking a photo?" I ask as I rub the sleep from my eyes.

Mindy motions down to my lap and I look down to see Scooter still dead asleep. He's clutching my hand to his chest, like he's cuddling with it. The other hand has a death grip on my thigh. I smile at my friend. His hair covers his face and I move it out of the way.

I look back at Mindy and she gestures to her neck, "So, uh, what's that all about?"

I put my free hand up to my neck and I remember the hickeys on my neck, "Well, you still haven't told me about that one boy. So, you don't get to know about this."

"I'm not telling you if Scooter's here."

I look down at Scooter, "Yeah, well. Same here."

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