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When I had gotten back to my room, I had promptly passed the fuck out. Crying and love confessions part two can really tire a girl out.

I had meant to go and visit Maggie, telling her what had happened in my life, a fun little life update if you will, but I hardly made it to my room.

I woke up to my door being banged on, with a fist not two people, although that would have been a much more interesting way to wake up. I groan and hide my eyes with my arms, "Mindy, I swear to god if you lost your keys again I'm genuinely gonna be so mad at you." I complain as I walk to my door and open it, "Oh, Scooter."

I wipe my face and turn away from him, plopping back down on my bed; I was still tired and my wake up circumstances were still slightly annoying to me, even if it was Scooter.

I heard the door close, "You know, I'd think you'd be more excited to see me."

"Oh? And why's that?" I ask, mumbling into my pillow. Scooter snorts and I smile at the sound. Soon, Scooter's body is laying next to mine on my bed.

"Still tired?"

"You woke me up, whore."

"You're the whore." Scooter retorts.

"I won't hesitate to smother you with a pillow."

Scooter chuckles, "Yeah, cause you're strong enough to smother me with a pillow."

"You know I could, and I will. Don't fucking try me, Holland." Scooter flicks the back of my head and I flip him the bird, "You make it very tempting."

"I know." I hear the smile in his voice and I look up to see him watching me, a soft smile plastered across his face. "What?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What do you mean? I always look at you like this."

"No, you don't."

Scooter's smile widens and he leans maybe an inch closer to me, "Maybe I just think you're pretty."

I scrunch my nose at him, "Gag me with a spoon, will you?"

Scooter leans back and laughs, "That's very 80s of you."

I lay my head back down on my pillow and close my eyes again, "Well, maybe I'm trying to bring it back. Trends recycle, you know."

"You know what you should do?"


"Get the fuck out of bed."

"You're in bed with me; and see, I thought you'd be happy with this situation."

Scooter snorts again, "Under different circumstances, definitely, but right now, no. I'm fucking bored. So, get your ass out of bed."

I lean up on my elbows, "What if we create those circumstances?"

Scooter raises an eyebrow at me, "Oh?"

I lean forward, as if to kiss him and he moves towards me as well, wrapping an arm around me. Instead of kissing him, I roll and land both of us on the floor, me landing on top of him. I smile widely at him and then roll again until I'm no longer laying on top of him, "I'm out of bed."

Scooter groans, slightly arching his back in the air, probably from the weight of me crash landing on top of him, "Fuck. Fuck you."

"You wish." I respond, standing up and opening my dresser.

"You're right on that."

I snort this time, "I know." I pull my sweatshirt off of me, my bare back facing Scooter, I hear him suck in a breath, "I can feel you staring."

"Probably because I am."

I put a tank top on and turn around, "Any particular reason?"

"Boobs." He answers shortly. I scrunch my face up at him and look back at the mirror on top of my dresser, I lean over slightly as I start to put on mascara.

I see Scooter stand up from his laying position and I glance up at him as he walks over to me. I pause only when Scooter moves hair off of my neck and onto my back as he moves to kiss my neck. I suck in a breath this time as Scooter slowly moves down my neck and to my shoulder, leaving an electric trail that I've already become addicted to. He moves the strap of my tank top down and I look at him to see him watching my reactions in the mirror. He rests one of his hands on my hip and slowly slides it across my stomach, pulling me to him. I close my eyes and lean back.

"What the fuck?"

Scooter and I immediately break apart and stare at the doorway.

Mindy stands there with her hand covering her mouth and Rick just stares at the both of us, wide-eyed.

I point an accusatory finger at Scooter, "He started it."

Scooter looks over at me, "Jess what the fuck?"

I shrug, "Well, in all technicality, you did."

Scooter blinks, "Wait, when?"

"Shut up. Both of you." Rick orders. Scooter and I both promptly shut our mouths, "How long has this been going on?"

Mindy laughs, "Awhile." I glare at her and she shrugs.

"A specific date?"

I look over at Scooter and he looks at me, both of us contemplate for a moment, "I don't know." We say at the same time, overlapping each other.

"Is this why both of you have been acting weird? Did you guys hook up or something? What, am I really the last person to know about this."

"Yes, yes, and yes," I answer, "That's actually a lot that you don't know about regarding our little friend group."

"Care to enlighten me?" Rick raises an eyebrow and gestures widely.

I look up at the ceiling and fake think, I even go as far as putting a finger on my chin. Then I stop and look back at him, "No, not really."

"I say you should." Scooter announces.

"I didn't ask for your input, Holland." I shoot at him. Scooter just raises his hands defensively. I glance over at Mindy, "I think it would be really entertaining if I did though," I giggle, "Oh, god. You'd be so mad."

Mindy bites her lip, "I mean...I guess it's the day for exposing things."

I smile widely at Rick and wait for him to look back at me, when he does I begin, "I also fucked Owen, yes the one of your team, multiple times, I also fucked Mindy; but don't worry about that one that was just a one time thing, and-"

"You did what?" Rick interrupts.

"Ok, interrupting is rude." I shoot back at him.

He looks at Mindy, "Did you actually? Like, did you and Jess really..."

She nods, "I was experimenting. Didn't know if I was straight. So...kinda just...happened."

"What the fuck." Rick and Scooter say simultaneously. "You didn't fucking tell me? Either of you! You're my fucking girlfriend, Mindy." Rick continues.

"Ok, to be fair. It was before you and Mindy ever dated, so she really didn't have to tell you."

"You still didn't fucking tell me."

"There was no obligation to." Mindy responds simply, "But to clear things up, I've never done anything with another girl again. I'm straight. 100%. I just wanted to check so Jess...helped me."

I give her a thumbs up and Rick looks back at me and I wink at him, "Always been a helper."

"Shut up," He turns back to Mindy, "We should talk about this later...but I have to go talk to Coach. I'll...ok...Jesus...bye."

I wave bye to him and he closes the door and I laugh, "I'm sorry but that was very entertaining."

"I have so many questions." Scooter announces. I turn to him and see the bewildered look that's painted across his face.

"Ask away."


This is a filler chapter. I'm just bored and sad so I made myself do something.

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