Chapter 3

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I went inside the bathroom and turned the faucet on.

I couldn't have them hearing me now could I?

Silently taking my phone out, I turned it on.

Huh I don't remember turning it off.

Wait a minute...

No no no! Fuck fuck fuck!

Please tell me it just took a nap.

No you idiot. It's dead! My subconscious screamed.

I held the button, then dropped it.

Clumsy hands.

"What was that?" Evan asked.

How did he hear that?

I shrugged it off then panicked.

"I fell off the toilet! Leave me alone you ugly parasite! Can't a girl do her business without having to be questioned?" I yelled.

"Um okay." Evan said confused.

Now what do I do? Why do they want me? Why are they all hot? Should I run? Find a fork and stab them in the eyes? Seduce them? What should I do!?

With a million questions running through my head, I decided with the most cliche answer.

I will run and escape.

I took a bar of soap and counted to 3.



3 -

I ran and opened up the door.

Even looked up and I threw the bar of soap at his face.


I ran and took a turn around the corner.

I heard heavy foot steps after me.

Ignoring them, I focused on my running.

My heart was pounding against my chest, and I desperately sucked in harsh breaths. My legs took long greedy steps.

Don't stop, your almost there.

Right when I was about to grab the door knob, I was knocked to the floor.

I hit the ground with a hard thud. My head banged off the door knob and soon enough everything went black.

So much for escaping.

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