Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated. But Amelia's answers are finally going to be answered. Some secrets may stay ;) Enjoy! Vote and comment.

"Why did you kidnap me?" Was the first thing I asked.

Trent sighed.

"We kidnapped you for that guy. Now we didn't know nothing of you, we were just told what to do. We did it for peace on our land." Trent said.

"So like a deal?" I asked.

Trent nodded.

"We give you him, he leaves us alone. At first he wanted our land, but we wouldn't." Trent said.

"Why did he want me?" I asked.

"That's what we're trying to figure out." Kyle interrupted.

"Why did you guys keep me then?" I asked.

Questions filled my head. But they were going to be answered.

Everyone was quiet.

"You are Alec's mate." Kyle said.

A mate?

I looked over at Alec and he was just fidgeting.

Trent saw the confused look on my face and decided to clear everything up.

"We were born werewolves by our parents. There are tons of them in different types packs. We made our own pack because our parents were all killed in a rogue attack. So we joined together and became the lone survivors pack. The guy that kidnapped you is the leader in the rogue pack. Since he was one but came together with other rogues." Trent paused looking at me. I nodded saying keep going.

"Now as you can see we can turn into a wolf. We can run fast, and have better sense of smell and hearing. And since we made our own pack, we can mind link. Which is like communicating with everyone in your mind. Usual packs have, alphas, betas, and third in commands. But since we are small we really didn't need all that. We just worked together. I kinda am called the leader since I made this pack. Now every werewolf has a mate, unless they're dead or not born yet. And once you find them, they are kinda like your soul mate. The one who your suppose to love forever. Your other half." Trent explained.

"How does that work?" I asked.

"That's for another time. For now just know your Alec's mate." Trent said.

I nodded taking in all this information. I bet there was way more then what he told me. But like he said that was for another time. It wasn't as important right now.

"Is that why you kept me? Because you found out I'm Alec's mate?" I said, but it came out more as a question.

"Yes. He needs you to live. Or slowly without you he could go crazy, rogue, mad, and can die slowly." My heart suddenly pained as he said that.

I couldn't let Alec die. Kidnapper or not.

I suddenly remember the small sparks I would feel when I touch him, or the butterflies that swarmed my stomach when I saw him?

Mate mate mate.

I was his. He was mine.

My own sexy beast.

I hummed in delight. I could get use to that.

"I don't want that." I mumbled, Blushing.

"Then you will have to complete the mating process." Trent said.

"The what?" My face scrunched up in confusion.

"He's going to have to fuck and bite you." And I sworn I could have passed out.

"That's enough Trent." Alec snapped.

Trent chuckled.

I glared at him, glad he's finding this hilarious.

"Guys we're getting off track." Evan spoke up quietly.

"Right." Trent said, back to being his serious self.

"What did the rogue tell you when he had you?" Trent asked.

I thought long and hard.

"He said his name was Peter. And that he's the boss. He told me that he has issues with you guys, and to deal with these issues, he's going to kill me if you don't give him what he wants." I said.

"Nothing makes since." Carson said.

And he was right nothing did make since.

"Well we're running out of time." Alec said, Looking down at his phone angrily.

"What? What are you talking about?" Trent asked.

He handed us his phone and a blocked number appeared, on a text message.

'So I'm guessing you found out. Indeed we still want your land, and we were just using you to get us that girl. But she's a fast one eh? A little too fast if you ask me. Give us the girl and no harm will be done. If not, prepare to be taken down."

The real question was, what did he mean by a little too fast? And why did he need me?

"He wasn't going to kill me at all was he?" I asked over the silence.

Everyone had meaningful looks on their faces. Just as curious as me.

"No." Trent spoke up. "He wanted to scare you. He knows something, he needs you to clarify this something. But what is that something?"

First kidnapping, now riddles?

"I think I know that something." Evan said, his eyes wide.

We all turned to him.

What is that something?

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