Chapter 10

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A/N: don't kill me. I know I haven't updated in a veryyyyyyy long time. But school just started a few weeks ago so Ive been very busy. But there's no school Friday (day off) so I'll be updating all my books then! And another chapter here too. Don't forget to comment and vote. Love you :)

My eye twitched ever so slightly when Evan just stared off into the distance.

"So?" I asked.

"Oh right!" He suddenly exclaimed. "I think... You're part cheetah."

I wanted to laugh. So I did.

"Amelia, this isn't the time for your annoying laughter." Trent snapped.

I immediately stopped when he used my first name. He never did that before.

What is he? My dad? I don't think so.

"Don't tell me what to do." I grumbled, crossing my arms.

Trent was about to open his smart mouth but Kyle butted in.

"Maybe Evans right. Like who the hell just runs for fun?" Kyle said.

"Joggers or I don't know, people who like to run you dumb ass!" I shouted, offended.

"Calm down." Evan pleaded. "This is serious."

I took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out.

He was right.

I just needed a really good night rest and a big delicious meal.

"You are faster than us. Well actually I don't know if you're faster but you as sure can hell escape." Alec said.

Carson rubbed his temples.

"There is only one way to test this theory!" Kyle yelled excitedly.

"Oh no." Carson mumbled.

"A RACE!" Then he was already heading upstairs.

"A race?" I voiced.

"You don't even want to know." Carson said.

I looked around the room and everyone had this annoyed look on their face.

A race it is then. I can't wait!

Note my sarcasm.

I obviously did something wrong this time, I thought.

Don't I always?

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