Chapter 6

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A/N: Just a short update! Don't forget to vote and comment. Love YA :) <3

I woke up tied to a chair.

I would of screamed out curse words but apparently duck tape covered my mouth.

So I sat here squirming and swearing in my head.

"Amelia is it?" The tree guy asked.

I glared.

"Right I forgot! You can't talk, let me help you." He said, yanking off the tape.

"FUCKING TREE!" I shouted.

"My names Bill, not tree." He corrected.

"Does it look like I care?" I argued.

He rolled his eyes.

"So childish." He muttered.

"Says the tree!" I snapped.

"Stop calling me that!" He shouted.

"Now now don't fight with our guest." A voice boomed.

"Sorry Boss." The tree said.

"Guest? Well some way you treat a guest!" I yelled.

"My apologies." The 'boss' said.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"Put the tape back over her mouth." The boss said.

"NO WAIT!" I shouted desperately.

"Yes?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Just give me a couple of answers, please." I begged.

So I can find a way to escape. I added secretly in my head. Now we all know how that worked out before, but hey, the second times a charm right? Right...

"Very well then. The 'tree' as you call him, is Bill." He said.

"Go on." I spat.

"And I'm Peter. 'The boss.' We have some, issues with the so called boys you were with. So in order to deal with these issues, they have to give us what we want. And if they don't, let's just say death will be your best friend." He answered. Ignoring my rude behavior.

"WHAT!" I cried.

Fuck fuck fuck.

"All in good time." He said walking away.

The tree put the tape back over my mouth.

They both left me in the darkness. With my thoughts.

All I know for sure is I'm not dying. And I will escape. With or with not the idiots help.

They messed with the wrong girl.

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