Chapter 20 (End) (plz read A/N)

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A/N: So far Who's your favorite character? Comment and vote :) enjoy the long update!

Also I decided to end the book here. A lot of you wanted a sequel. So that's exactly what I'm planning and doing. I have already posted a note there explaining the first chapter update. So please go check that out!!!

The sequel will continue with the ending of this. This book isn't over yet :)

Okay so maybe my plan isn't the greatest. But in my defense it's a start I'm willing to finish.

I poked Kyle's shoulder. At least I was hoping to before the asshole already left and I ended up poking the air.

I groaned in frustration.

It's okay, calmed Serenity.

Ironic right? Serenity? Peace? She was calming? No okay.

I really need to focus.

I ended up taking slow baby steps. Basically I was tiptoeing in my Jordan's.

But since life doesn't work that way of course now everything decided to make noise and echo off the cave walls.

I sounded like a fucking whale.

"Jesus Christ!" I whispered shouted.

My eyes wandered around the cave walls. The silence was eating me alive. I knew what I had to do.

After wandering around for a few minutes I finally stumbled upon into a room. A room straight out of a horror movie.

Blood was splattered across the walls, bones scattered across the floor. A bed with a machine hooked up to it. Doctor tools sat on a table besides it. There was cages against the walls.

This was some type of sick torture chamber.

I blinked away the images that started to peak there way into my mind.

I'll be okay. No we'll be okay.

Serenity hummed in agreement.

"Amelia. Please take a few steps forward."

I jumped up in shock and held my hand over my heart.

The "boss" came out from within the shadows and a stupid grin was placed onto his face.

I squinted my eyes and clenched my fists.

"So so so scary." Sarcasm dripped from his tongue. "I'm very glad you could make it. I missed you."

I shuttered in disgust.

"I can't say the same for you." I shot back.

He frowned and placed his hand over his heart.

"That hurt... I'm just kidding. I don't have feelings." He chuckled.

"Stop stalling. I know what you want and I'm here to make a deal. A trade I suppose." I walked closer to him.

He raised his eyebrow in amusement. "A little girl is here to make a trade? How cute."

He was really pissing me off.

"Do you want to hear me out? I think you would be very interested indeed." I said through clenched teeth.

"No Amelia. There is no such thing as trade." Then what happened next came all too quickly.

Before I could transform into my cheetah, his guards and minions came out from around the corner pinning me down.

I tried to fight back, like what Trent had showed me but there was too many of them.

I felt something stab my arm and my eyes widened when I saw the needle jammed, piercing through my skin.

"You see Amelia. You think you are a slick slick little girl. But you aren't. You are weak and don't deserve these powers that the cheetah gives you. But don't worry we'll keep her safe and sound." He grinned evilly.

I elbowed one of the guards and when that arm was freed, I punched another one in the face. They let me go, and with all the strength I could gather. I set myself free.

I started to run and no one tried going after me. Which was really weird.

But then it happened. I started to slow down until I started seeing doubles. My vision blurred and my body felt numb. I fell to the floor. Feeling like everything just drained all the power from my body. I couldn't move I was stuck.

A tear drop escaped past my eyes.

I heard food steps from behind me, then my body was lifted off the ground. They tied my hands and duck taped my mouth.

"Silly girl." He shook his head in shame. "Thinking you can get away."

I was being carried into the same room before but along the way I heard shouts, until a loud bang silenced it.

"One down. Four to go." He said.

No! Evan!

I started to cry. This was all my fault. If I had only listened. He's right. I'm just a little girl. To think that a trade would actually work.

Wait where's k-

"Amelia!" Kyle shouted.

The 'boss' continued walking.

"Get him too." He commanded.

I turned my head to see Kyle changing. The sound of bones cracking and loud growls followed. They pounced and ripped at each other's throats.

We got further away, making it hard to see. The last thing I heard was a whimper.

Kyle's whimper.

"Two down. Three to go." He mocked.

He set me down onto the table. Hooking wires to my body.

My body officially shut down. My mind became fuzzy. I couldn't think. I tried calling out for Serenity but it was empty inside. Nothing was there.

Darkness started to consume me and the voices faded away.

I whimpered and the last thing that came mumbled from my mouth was;

"I'm sorry."

To be continued... Dun dun dun.

So how did you like this book???

Don't worry it's not over yet. In case you skipped over the authors note XD the sequel has been posted. There is a note there. Please go read it. The book is called:

Saving Serenity.

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