chapter 15

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A/N: Did everyone have a good new years? I did :) I'm so excited because my birthday is on the 24th. I'll be 15! Now I decided to make this longer than my other chapters because I owe you guys that much. Enjoy this update! Comment and vote please <3

"And she doesn't tell us?" Trent asked in a voice that ticked me off.

I jumped up and pointed my finger at him.

"What's your problem?" I demanded.

"Excuse me?" He asked, his eyes wide.

"Your excused." I spat viciously. "Everything I say or do you look down on me or have a rude side comment. Really what's your problem? I try to stay nice and calm even though I want to shove a cactus up your ass!"

My blood was boiling and I was sure I was turning red.

Carefully I laid my hand back to my side before I could punch him in the face.

He stayed quiet but his eyes were still focused on me.

I was like a bomb. I could explode at any time and I guess today was that day. I've just had enough of it.

I walked away ignoring Alec's calls.

I went straight up to the bedroom I was once cuffed to and locked the door.

Gently I rubbed my temples hoping to sooth the headache that started growing.

My cheetah was being awfully quiet, but I could feel her. I knew she wouldn't leave me. Well not now at least.

Never. Came her hushed reply.

That simple sentence filled my heart. I swear she was making me bipolar.

Determination set through my body as I started tearing apart the room. They didn't understand, my life was on the line. Did anyone actually care? Were they actually going to leave this up to me?

No they couldn't. Even Trent wouldn't.

My mind wandered back off to the Tree Guy.

Why did he even set me free?

When my answers started to get answered, more came, leaving more unanswered.

Officially I was befuddled.

Taking in another deep breath. Which I've been doing a lot lately. I need a plan. Not alone. God no. I'll admit it. I'm a mess.

After I eat of course. I was starving.

What? Don't look at me like that. You'd feel the same way as me if you were in my place.

I peeked out the door way and stepped out. Hoping not to make any noise.

But nothing ever goes my way so as I was making my way downstairs it sounded like an elephant traveling down and with my luck I missed the last step and my heart dropped out of my ass. But sense we are in a book my Prince caught me.

Just kidding.

I landed on my back and heard laughter around me. My lovely mate was clutching his stomach from laughing at my pain.

"I hate you all." I deadpanned.

Finally he decided to help me up. But me being me, I whacked his hand away and glared.

The funny thing is, that it didn't even hurt, In fact. Dare I say it... tickled?

Oh hun, my cheetah started. You are a cheetah, an animal. But half human. You have better strength, vision, and hearing. You are stronger than before. Invincible, you have always been. Nothing will be the same. It would take a lot to feel pain.

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