Chapter 8

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A/N: New update. YAYYYY. Short but, YAYYYY. Enjoy lovelies. Vote, comment. Love YA. Pic above of is their wolves.

I bursted out laughing. I fell to the floor tears rolling down my cheeks. I clutched my stomach from laughing way to hard.

"We aren't joking." Trent snapped, his eyes unfriendly.

I stood up and took off my glasses. I wiped away my tears and then put them back on.

I'm surprised they haven't broken.

"Prove it." I said.

"Okay." Trent said, his voice deadly calm.

He did a little hand motion and I knew it meant to follow him.

They must be crazy. Or high.

We got outside and everyone stood there.

"So..." I trailed off.

"Don't even try to run if you get scared. We won't hurt you." Trent warned.

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay kidnappers." I reminded them.

Alec was the first to take off his shirt and pants. Then they all did the same, leaving them in there boxers.

I whistled silently in my head.

"Sexy motherfuckers." I mumbled.

I tried not to drool.

When they were about to reach to take off their boxers my eyes widened in panic.

"No need to get naked." I said, blushing slightly.

Damn them.

"We have to or they will rip to shreds. Turn around." Trent ordered.

I mimicked him but eventually did.

It was silent the first few seconds. But then I heard the sound of bones crunching. I winced.

A bark carried the silence and I froze.

I slowly turned around and was met with 5 wolves.

"OH MY GOD!" I screeched.

I tried running but tripped.

They came closer and I kicked my feet in the air.


The biggest wolf stood intimidatingly. The fur was pitch black. The eyes deep blue. I knew it was Trent.

The second biggest wolf stared at me. I knew it was Alec, just by his angry aura. His wolf was golden brown. With yellow eyes.

Then was another wolf which was big, but it was smaller than Alec. It stood tall, but it eyes playful. I knew it was Kyle. His wolf was brown with light blue eyes.

The wolf next to Kyle was the same size. But it was strong. The wolf was thick with muscles. Like it trained a lot. I knew it was Carson. His was grey with pale blue eyes.

The last wolf was the smallest. He was the only one lowering his head in submission. I knew it was Evan by the way it was telling me it's okay. He was always friendly. His wolf was all white with bright green eyes.

His was my favorite. His fur reminded me of winter snow. But his eyes reminded of summer grass. And with him being the smallest he was just adorable.

As I stared at all these wolves, I couldn't believe what was going on.

This was all real.

I shook my head in disbelief. I needed an explanation on everything.

I stood up and slightly petted each of their fur. Soft, but slightly ruff.

I was in awe.

They were all beautiful.

Maybe I was crazy.

But I knew everything was okay. Well at least I hope.

I turned around and gave them the single to change back.

I winced again as I heard the sound of bones crunching.

Isn't that painful?

"You could turn around now." A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

They were all fully clothed again. How did they do that?

Is that even possible?

With so many questions running through my head I put it on pause.

With them, anything is possible.

"You guys have a lot of explaining to do." I said and we headed back inside.

My questions were going to be finally answered.

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