Chapter 17

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"Do you know what day it is?" Asked Trent.

"HUMP DAY!" Me and Kyle yelled in sync.

Trent facepalmed.

"No. Training day." He said, strictly. "That means no messing around"

"We do no such thing." Defended Kyle. He looked over to Evan and smirked. He walked towards him and leaned against his side. "Isn't that right?"

An exasperated sigh left Trent's mouth. While Evan's face lit up like a firetruck.

"Don't give in Evan we all know he has the mind of a 5 year old." Trent argued.

"Actually a mind of a 6 year old thank you very much." Corrected Kyle.

"Lets just train, okay?" I said, stepping forward.

"You're no better." Trent crossed his arms.

I whipped my head to the side and gave an accusing glare.

"And what is that suppose to mean?" My voice was bitter.

"You get distracted easily." Came his short response.

I blinked and then blinked again.

"So?" I asked.

"That's not good. You need to stay focused. If not you'll never be in control." Trent informed.

"I can't believe I'm saying this." I muttered, "but you are right."

For once in my life I saw Trent give a huge grin.

"I know I'm always right. Anyways we'll teach you the basics." Trent said.

I rolled my eyes.

Basics. That doesn't sound too hard.

Suddenly I got pushed and flung to the side, landing in the death trap of Carson who had me locked down.

"Step one. Focus. Something you need to work on. Don't think, just do. Work on listening to whats around you. Keep your brain on silent." Trent said, pacing around me.

He watched me struggle and shook his head.

"You always must prepare. Use your observation skills and use it towards your reaction." He paused.

"Step two. Never struggle it shows weakness and a sign of hoplessness. Stay calm and wait until you can surprise them with a escape route."

My eyes followed him like a hawk.

"Most importantly. Step three. Battle for your life. Afterall it's yourself you are trying to protect. Use all the techniques we will show you and put them to good use. At the end, we will try this again."

I was let down and I rubbed my arms.

"Sorry." Carson apologised.

"Its okay. I need this. When the time comes, I'll be facing something much worse." I said.

"But not alone. Trent missed out on one thing. Never go in as a lone Wolf. Stay with your pack. You are much stronger." Alec spoke firmly.

I stared at him for a few seconds in amazement. I admired his courage and passion. If only I could be like that.

"We'll start off with some simple blocks, kicks, punches, and flips." Trent said.

"We will demonstrate." Evan smiled.

Roughly Carson went to kick Evan, but Evan grabbed onto his foot twisting it. He wasn't finished yet though. He slammed him to the ground holding his arms. In a quick hand motion took out a silver knife and pressed it to his neck.

This went on for hours. Showing me different moves, and self defense. I learned a lot and felt confident. I was ready to take on whoever stood in my way.

The moon shined and it was quiet. A feeling settled into my stomach making my cheetah stir.

Listen, focus. She hushed carefully.

So that's exactly what I did, I observed. I listened. I focused.

I saw Trent nod and heard the wind behind me rustle. I ducked and tripped Alec. Then pushed Carson to the ground. I flipped him over, holding both his arms.

He went to yank me to the side but I stayed calm.

I saw him struggle. I knew he felt weak.

I was still alert.

The techniques worked. I saw signs I never saw before. I just could feel it.

"Step two. Never struggle." I said with a winning smirk.

I heard clapping and saw them look at me. Their eyes filled with pride.

It made my heart swell and I got up.

"You're ready. We never know when they might attack so let's use the rest of our time wisely. Set out a plan and maybe train some more but In our other form. It could strengthen us." Trent explained.

"Lets kick ass!" Kyle cheered. Evan patted him on the shoulder.

I chuckled.

"Good job." Carson complimented me, when he passed by.

"Thank you." I said with a small smile finding its way onto my face.

It felt good. I felt good. Everything was going great. I hope it stayed like this.

"Im poud of you." Whispered Alec, sincerely.

I didn't say anything. No words could describe how I was feeling right now.

I quote on quote. 'Let's kick ass!'

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