Chapter 16

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A/N: I have 12,000 reads, and 500 votes! Thank you guys so much, this means a lot to me. What makes you guys so interested in this book? Any tips for me in the future if I want to make more books? Comment away! Don't forget to vote. Love you all :) <3

I don't really remember what happened after that. I was in a daze of lust. The only thing I felt was his sweet lips on mine. How are bodies, no. How are souls were connected. It was like a switch went off and brightened up my darkness.

But our time was over. Unfortunately the boys had come back a few minutes ago. And let me tell you this, it was super awkward.

No one told me they could smell if we did anything. Basically they know we have been snogging each others faces. All their faces scrunched up and I saw Kyle smirk.

Carson just rolled his eyes and walked away. I wish I could have done that. Trent stood their and started to shake his head.

"Gone for a few hours and the horny couple decided to get it on, smelling up the damn place." Trent muttered.

I looked over to Alec and he just blinked.

"Want to cuddle?" He asked.

I blushed but nodded.

"Relationship goals." Kyle said. "And here I am, forever lonely."

Evan frowned and looked down at his sneakers.

Trent cleared his throat.

"Lets go upstairs." No questions were asked as they followed him.

Alec grabbed my hand and smiled.

"You're so tiny." He said. "Like a small teddy bear."

"Hey I might be small, but I'm tough." I defended.

"Whatever you say," he said.

It is whatever I say. I thought.

He lead me over to the couch and I crawled onto his lap.

"Want to watch a scary movie?"

No. "yes."

"Yay." He cheered.

"You're such a child." I teased.

"And you arent?" He teased back.

"Touche." I nodded.

"Now I get to hold my mate all night." He said.

I snuggled closer.

"Wouldn't you just love that." I giggled.

"Are you flirting with me?" He asked, fake surprised.

"I don't know am I?" I played along.

He grinned. "I think you are."

"Then I must be." Woah, when did I get like this?

Since me, said Serenity.

I jumped slightly.

"Don't scare me like that." I mumbled, holding a hand to my heart.

Sorry. She apologised.

It's fine. I just have to get use to it.

"Your cheetah?" He questioned.

"Yeah she pops out of no where a lot." Don't get me wrong. I'm glad I have her but damn, jump scare much?

"You'll get use to it." He said.

"I know." I agreed. Hopefully.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked.

"You pick." I said.

"I'm up for anything." He said calmy.

"Uhhhh...." Fuck I'm terrible at deciding things. Why must people do this to me!

Great now I'm over exaggerating.

"Er how about the collector?" I questioned unsure.

"Awesome choice." He beamed.

I wiped away the sweat that grew on my forehead.

That was a lot of work.

A loud bang made me jump up and cling onto Alec. I think I scratched him and hissed.

"What the fuck." Was the only thing he said.

I laughed nervously.


I hate loud noises, muttered Serenity.

I almost forgot I was part cat.

I petted him. Get it? Isn't that ironic sense I'm the cat who should be petted?


Whatever I think its pretty funny.

"I think you broke my ribs when you kneed me when you jumped." Grumbled Alec.

His broken ribs, were cracking me up.

I'm on fire today!

"So I'm guessing no scary movies." He stated.

I grinned.

"Can't we just make out?" I asked seriously.

He looked surprised but then smirked.

"Of course."

I had no shame. Correction; we had no shame.

Hey! I have a sexy mate. You would do the same if you had one.

Right when his lips were about to be pressed to mine. I heard a shout.

"Seriously! Again?!"

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