Chapter 19

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A/N: It's been weeks sense I last updated, okay well the truth was I was done writing this chapter a week ago but I forgot to publish it. I'M SORRY, I didn't realize it until yesterday. I decide to just add this author's note in just so you knowww. Comment and Vote :)

It doesn't take a genius to figure out where he was. And which includes I'm the biggest liar ever.

I've been running in circles for hours because honestly, I didn't know where to go. I checked every single place where there's water and still nothing.

My brain isn't functioning correctly. Too much stress has corrupted my body.

But I didn't let that get to me. No matter how overwhelmed I was feeling.

Nothing I ever do will be perfect. But I'm okay with that. Nobody's perfect. Perfection doesn't exist.

I huffed and puffed and started screaming like a maniac.

I probably looked like a maniac.

Did I care? No.

Okay just a little.

Give me a break man. I'm stressing out big time.

I heard the trees rustle and almost like an automatic switch, all my senses heightened.

I heard light breathing. I could feel whoever it was staring at me. Studying me, as I was studying them.

I got into position and my eyes stared at the tree. It was behind it.

I was so close to lunging at it. When I realized, it was a fucking squirrel! I just wasted 5 minutes of my life stalking a damn squirrel.

That's it. Take me out of the oven because I'm so done.

"You're an idiot." Came a voice out of nowhere.

A squeak left my mouth and I scratched whoever it was in the face. Then a squeak left their mouth and they ducked.

"Stop it meals!" Cried Kyle.

So I stopped.

"Meals?" I questioned.

"Yeah it's your new nickname." Kyle said.

"Why meals?" I asked.

"I don't know. I tried calling out your name and you didn't answer. I paused and tested out your name and heard meal. And plus I was hungry so..." He explained.


"Okay." I said unsurely.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"Uh huh." He wasn't actually sorry.

He blinked and I blinked. Soon we were having a blinking contest.

That ended when I rubbed my eyes tiredly and he snorted.

"Loser!" He pointed out.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked with a hand on my hip.

"I was stalking you, duh." He said sassily.

"Kyle." I said sternly.

"Fine. I saw you and I knew you were after to go look for Evan and I need to help."

"No." I said.

"Why not?" Kyle demanded.

"This is my problem. And it just so happens I need to fix it." I shot back.

"God fucking damn it Amelia! He's my mate!" Shouted Kyle. "So it's my problem too!"

"Fine. Whatever. You can come." The words came out slow.

He smirked and crossed his arms.

"You need me anyway." He walked towards me. "I've been watching you and from what I have gathered you have no idea where you are going."

I raised my eyebrow.

"And?" I asked.

"I do. Trent fixed it and I heard every thing. Including how to get there." He said.

"Lead the way." I commanded.

"Will do." He confirmed and started to head the opposite direction.

"Wait, what about the others?" He asked and paused.

"Don't worry about them." I shrugged him off. "I got this."

His face paled and he shook his head.

"We are all gonna die." He mumbled.

"You'll see." I smirked.

I got everything under control.

Soon enough passing many more trees and lakes. There was this one huge open ocean.

He noticed my confusion and he pointed towards the water.

"I know you kitties are scared of water but unfortunately it's hidden underneath. Not that far along, but it's pretty deep."

I heard Serenity hiss.

I hate water. She muttered. But I'll have to push aside my hatred. This is for a very important matter.

And that's when I felt myself transform and my body dive straight into the water.

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