Chapter 7

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It's been exactly 2 days since I've been here. And let me tell you, it's no fun.

The bright side is they untied me from the chair.

The bad side is they locked me in this prison room.

No windows, no sound, no light, only a chair, blanket, pillow, and door which can only be opened from the outside.

Now the door is this huge ass steel looking thing that 10 muscle man with bats couldn't even break down. But it has this little opening thing where they can slide my food in and check on me.

The only time they let me out is when I have to pee.

Which brings me to what I am doing right now.

Me being the genius I am, has a plan.

Maybe not a good one, but hey it's something.

I'm going to snap the chair leg off, ask to use the bathroom, smash the leg piece over the guy who's out there, and run, and... Yeah that's all I got.

However I could break off 2 pieces and use the other one just in case.

So that's exactly what I did.

I pretended to throw a tantrum.

"LET ME OUT!" I screamed.

I made banging noises and I chuckled when I heard the guy shouting curse words.

For more effects I smashed the chair off the iron door and smiled when the legs broke.

I made fake sniffling noises and kept my eyes open for 20 seconds to make my eyes water.

I knocked on the iron door.

"P-please let me u-use the b-bathroom." I fake stuttered.

I heard a sigh and the sound of a door unlocking.

The guy stood there as he looked at me.

"Come on." He grumbled.

When he turned around I smirked evilly and raised the leg piece.

He turned around in the last minute and I ended up smashing his face.

I flinched when he fell to the ground with a loud thud.

He stopped moving and my eyes widened.

He can't be dead. Right?

Nahhhhh. He's okay. I thought.

I ran and I heard a loud siren.

What is this? A police station?

No it's a prison.

I rolled my eyes.

"Hey you!" A guy's voice rumbled.

"Fuck a duck!" I shouted.

I flipped over a table passing by, to save me time.

I was so close to the exit when I was tackled to the floor.

I used my free hand to jab the leg piece at him, but he wouldn't budge.

I punched him in the face and he only twitched a bit.

He's made of steel just like that door probably.

"Your going to regret that." He said.

"Bite me." I snapped.

"I will baby doll." He said, and grabbed my jaw roughly.

Oh no. Shit no.

I let a tear drop fall as his lips connected to mine.

What a pig.

Suddenly he was pulled off of me.

I heard a loud banging sound and saw the Tree banging the guys head off the wall.

"Don't you ever touch a girl like that!" He spat.

I backed away thinking he was going to bring me back.

"Go." He demanded.

I froze.

"What?" I asked.

"Leave. Run. Don't stop." He said.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"You don't deserve this." He said.

"Thanks Tree." I said.

"My names Bill." He sighed tiredly.

"Bye Bill." I said.

And for once his face softened and he cracked a smile.

I heard voices shout angrily and I panicked.

"Go! I'll tell them you escaped." He said.

I nodded and exited.

Great the woods.

Why the woods?

Too many questions to ask in such little time.

I immediately started running and I didn't stop.

I mentally cheered when I saw a street.

I ran in the middle of the street.

I turned around to take a peak as to where I should run next.

I didn't hear a car coming.

But at the last minute I turned around and screamed when a car came speeding at me.

I hovered myself waiting for the impact.

I'm going to die. I'm going to die I'm going to-


"You almost killed her!" A voice shouted accusingly.

"You told me to step on it." Another voice defended.

I heard a mean growl.

"You almost killed my ma-" a voice was cut off.

"Stop it guys."

I fluttered my eyes open.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Kyle almost killed you." Alec said angrily.

"But I didn't." Kyle said.

"Shut up." Trent snapped.

Evan walked in the room.

"Good your up." He smiled warmly.

Evan handed me water.

"You should be okay. You fainted when you saw the car. You've been out for a couple of hours but your okay." Evan said.

"I missed you guys. Even though I should hate you." I said honestly.

"We missed you too." They said in union.

"Now what the fuck is going on!" I shouted. I need answers.

I was kidnapped, tied up, dogs came, kidnapped again, escaped, and almost got killed.

Carson was about to say something but was interrupted by Trent.

"We're werewolves."

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