Chapter Six

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Another day had passed, and another strange dream had terrorised my sleep. This time, instead of a restaurant warping to try and kill me however, the ground just tried to cave under my feet as I made very nimble and surprisingly agile escapes for a girl as unco as myself. One time, I just appeared above one of the holes but managed to grab the edge and somehow climbed out with little effort. I was kinda proud of myself for that one.

But today was the day. The terrifying first day of school. I had known exactly what to expect when I thought I'd be attending Sacredooka this year, but Nangidon was new territory. New people. I didn't know what kind of kids would be there. Although, I highly doubted there would be as many religious people as were at Sacredooka.

I pulled my gold and white polo shirt over my head and did the three buttons up. I tucked it into the black school skirt and put my socks and high-top sneakers on. It was quite different to what I was used to, and I didn't really know whether to be thankful for the less preppy look or annoyed by the hot polyester.

I stalked into the kitchen and made a quick bowl of cereal. I started eating that and made my lunch at the same time, making sure everything fit into the lunchbox. I brushed my teeth and hair and did my makeup before packing everything I might need – I had done my school supplies already – into my bag before zipping it up and slinging it over my shoulder.

I waited in the living room, with my phone out before Zak took it from my hands.

"Hey!" I exclaimed trying to take it back.

"You do realise that there's a state-wide ban on mobile phones at school, right?" Zak asked.

"Yes, I'm aware!" I took it from his hands. "Doesn't mean I can't bring it. Or is that also illegal too?"

"I suppose it isn't," Zak shrugged. "Do you know what home room you're in?"

I nodded. "I'm in ten-four."

"Sweet!" Zak exclaimed. "I'm in ten-five, but my friend Ciara is in ten-four. You'll like her, she's short too."

At that I punched him in the arm.

"Ow!" Zak whined. "You tiny people get angry easily."

I rolled my eyes with a smile. Zak had always teased me about being short. Because unlike me, Zak towered over most of his classmates with a lean figure to make him seem like a noodle. That's what I teased him about. It was more commonly referred to as lanky disease, although that was more slang than an actual illness.

I could remember quite a few students at Sacredooka had been quite lanky. Most commonly it was paired with acne and unproportionate facial features. Not always, but quite often. Zak was one of the few lanky people I knew with more proportionate facial features. He still had the commonly seen acne though.

Jade came out with her dark hair in a low ponytail a lot more makeup than I had on. Yes, I wear makeup. Is that such a crime? I didn't tend to do what most people did, however. Usually, just lip gloss and brown eye makeup for the everyday. Jade however, tended to go for bright and out there colours. And I mean she wore green eyeshadow on a face with green eyes kind of out there.

I glanced to Zak as he whispered something to me.

"She can't actually think that looks nice?" He said in a questioning tone.

I shrugged. "What can I say," I started, "us girls are weird in very different and mysterious ways."

Zak tilted his head in agreement. Jade walked over to us with her bag, slinging it over her back.

"So, is your Mum driving, or am I taking you?" She asked.

Zak pulled a confused expression. "Ever heard of the bus?"

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