Chapter One

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So... I'm really nervous. Just, terrified that you guys are going to hate it. Am I regretting my choice to do this? Yes. Am I going to do it anyway and face my fear? ... Yes? Enjoy...


I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm. God, I need to remember to keep my phone closer. I rolled out of bed and stumbled towards my dresser before picking my phone up and turning that infernal noise off. The clock on my phone read 8:04. And I was supposed to meet Triston and Addison at La Fleur. Triston's mum owned the place.

I quickly got changed, tucking my beige button up shirt into my black shorts and tying up my black martin docs. I ran downstairs and took my "edgy leather jacket" according to Addison, and my mask and put them on. I slung my purse over my shoulder and just as I turned to leave, I saw Jade. AKA, the worst sister in the world.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked folding her arms. "Remember what happened last time you went out?"

Yes, how could I forget, I thought. The last time I went out was a week ago. To put it simply, a guy from my school got way to close for comfort and I broke his arm. But he put his hands a little too low on my hips for it to not be assault, so it was well deserved.

"I'm just going to meet Tris and Addy at La Fleur," I explained. "I promise I won't break any bones."

Jade gave me a look.

"Fine," I sighed in annoyance, "I won't break any bones that aren't mine."

Jade rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath that I couldn't hear. She had complained about how boys seemed to gravitate towards me. I assumed it was because of my reputation. Problem was that relationships aren't my thing. I'm sure some day someone will sweep me off my feet, but that wasn't happening any time soon. So, she'll just have to deal with watching me turn down every single person that shows interest.

I went into the office to see my parents packing up their things for work. They were both lawyers, it was actually how they met. They were working a case against each other and hit it off according to Samara. Samara is Dad's little sister. She worked in manufacturing, apparently it was a family business and Dad broke his parent's hearts when he went to law school. Strange dynamic, I know, but there's the Fickle family for you. Strange.

"Hi sweetheart," Mum said, "are you going out?"

"Yeah," I replied with a smile. "I'm going to see Tris and Addy."

Dad groaned. "I don't like that Triston kid."

"You're just saying that because he's a boy," I said.

"Yeah actually," Dad replied, "that's exactly why I'm saying that. Because boys are nothing but trouble."

Mum quickly intervened, sensing the start of a fight that I definitely would have won. "Come on, we have work."

My parents kissed me goodbye and then they were gone. Sometimes it was difficult to get along with my parents. They just didn't understand what it was like to be a kid anymore. Or at least not kids of this century.

My phone beeped and I smiled at the message. It was from Triston. 'Are you gonna make it to La Fleur or are we going to have to sneak you out?' It was ridiculous. I asked them to help sneak me out one time and it stuck. But Jade had invited her boyfriend Terrance over and I didn't want to walk past that. Terrance and his family had moved to the Heathridge area of Perth. Jade was crying over missing Terrance for months. To say it was annoying was an understatement.

I shot a text back saying that I was on my way and left. The walk to La Fleur wasn't too bad. It was located in a shopping centre nearby. I really just had to cross the street and walk in between two of the houses to reach it. Perth was like that. No matter where you lived there always seemed to be at least two parks a walking distance from your house and a shopping centre a short trip away. Although, I had never seen much of the outskirt bush areas. I'm guessing there aren't as many park's and shops there.

The Everblooming Flower [Book One of The Dreamers Series]Where stories live. Discover now