2. Jesus of Suburbia

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I'm obviously not sober and my mom is going to kill me, however I still waltz into to foyer, head held high. I slip off my shoes and call out,
"I'm home,"
My mom walks into the room and rests her hands on her boney hips.
"Where the hell were you?"
She has slight bags under her eyes, not horrible, but enough to notice. I look at her mangled, drawn on eyebrows, I really need to teach her how to do them properly.
"I told you, I was going to hangout with friends, remember?"
She gets up in my face.
"Did I say yes?"
Her breath reeks of beer, and cigarettes.
"Yeah, you did. Have you been drinking?" I push past her and walk into the kitchen.
"Why would that matter?" She follows.
"Because, you always yell at me when you drink," I pinch the bridge of my nose.
"You deserve to be yelled at."
"Okay, whatever," I sigh and turn to exit the room.
"Don't fucking ignore me!"
She yells and woth the swing of her arm knocks all her empty beer cans off the counter.
I walk around and start picking them up, I want to tell her off but I know it'll result in injury on my end.
I throw the cans into the recycling and fetch myself ramen noodles.
My mom sits at the table and does a wordsearch.
"What were you doing anyways?" She looks up at me and glares.
I grab a beer from the fridge and sit down at the table.
"Hanging out, what's it to ya?"
"With who?"
She pushes.
"Brett, and a couple of his friends," I crack open the can and take a big sip infront of her face.
"Why are all ypur friends guys?"
She snatches the can from my hand.
"Hey!" I snatch it back, "I don't know, I guess I just get along with guys better," I shrug and take a couple bites of my noodles.
"So are you a fag or are you a whore?" She asks bluntly.
My jaw falls open, "excuse me?"
"You heard me, do you enjoy getting dicked down by all the guys?" She stares me blank in the eyes, waiting for a reaction.
"Yeah, it's so fun. I also get to fuck their girlfriends." I smirk and chug down the beer.
She looks at me shocked.
I let out a loud burp, chuck the can to the side and walk up to my room.
I pull on a Sum 41 sweater and a pair of plaid, oversized pajama pants.
I sigh and flop down on my bed.
"You're grounded," my mom snarls from the door of my room.
I jump.
"Fuck! I didn't even hear you come upstairs. Why are you grounding me?"
"For disrespecting your fucking mother."
"I'm just following in your footsteps," I shrug.
"Fuck you."
She slams my door shut and I hear her rummaging around in the bathroom.
I know immediatly shes looking for her weed stash, little does she know it's hidden under my matress.
She swings my door open.
"Where's my weed!?"
Her cadaverous brows angle down, wrinkling the rest of her face.
"You smoke weed?"
I cross my arms, she exits my room again and I can hear her stomp down our creaky, wooden stairs.
about half an hour passes before headlights shine through my window.
I peek out my thin curtains, great, it's her boyfriend.
I wait until I hear them go to bed and I sneak out my window, taking mom's weed with me.
I walk down the empty streets for about an hour before I eventually decide to head back under the bridge.
A couple people are down there, Dean, Mike and Jimmy.
"Hey guys," I approach them and sit by their fire.
"Hey chica!" Jimmy smiles at me, "What's up?"
"Not much, I climbed out my window, wasn't excpecting to see you guys here!"
"Why'd you sneak out?" Dean asks.
"Well, I was trying to find someone to toke with," I grin and pull out the full ziplock bag.
Their eyes widen.
"Dude, we just ran out, you're a life saver," Mike beams.
I pull the glass pipe out of my sweater pocket and pack a fat bowl.
"Anyone got a light?"
Jimmy tosses me his lighter.
"Thanks," I grin and take the first hit, the burnt, almost nutty taste lingers in my mouth before I let out a couple coughs.
I pass the pipe to Jimmy, who has moved from across the fire to beside me.
We all take turns passing it around.
I lay back on the dirty ground, it feels like im floating.
My body is so relaxed.
"You're the shit dude," Jimmy falls back and lays beside me.
I look over at him and giggle.
Jimmy smiles and glances down at my lips before turning back over and looking up.
We sit by the fire for a while before heading up to 7-11.
"What do you want to eat?" Jimmy looks at me.
"Oh my god, do you know what sounds amazing right now?"
I beam at the thought.
"What?" He smiles back at me.
"Nachosssss" I giggle and slide down the brick wall.
"She's a fucking genious!" Mike jumps up and down.
They head into the store and spend about 5 minutes in there.
I'm startled by 3 hooded guys sprinting out of the store.
"Come on Y/N! Run!" Jimmy calls out from ahead of the group.
I jump up and run after them, it feels like I'm running on clouds.
My legs are weightless and I feel like my feet would sink into the concrete if I stopped running.
Once we get a safe distance away and all collapse on the ground.
Mike and Dean break out in fits of laughter.
I look at Jimmy with a massive smile spread across my face.
His face mirrors mine.
"That was so hot," I accidently say aloud.
"Huh?" Jimmy's smile fades.
"What? Sorry, I meant to say that made me so hot, running, you know," I stumble over my words.
"Hey, me and Mike are headed out now, we'll see you guys tomorrow!" Dean grabs a container of nachos and leaves with Mike.
I think about saying something else but I'm not sure what.
My thoughts are interupted by Jimmy leaning forward and pressing his lips against mine.
I push him away, "woah, you have a girlfriend."
"Shit, yeah. I'm sorry," he looks away.
"Not that I didn't want you to do that, because I very much did."
He looks back up and into my eyes.
"But we both have partners."
He nods in understandment and starts pulling grass from the ground.
I pull the weed back out and offer him another bowl, he gratefully accepts and we spent the rest of the night enjoying eachothers company, platonically.

Jesus of Suburbia rewrite<3Where stories live. Discover now