15. Land of make believe

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"Well I apologize for the inturruption."
He uncuffs me and asks me to place my hands on the table.
"It's all good sir."
"I'd like to start this off by saying this will go a lot smoother if you tell the full truth, trust me we always figure out when a suspect is lying."
I nod, "Of course."
"Secondly, I'd like to let you know I am not here to get you in trouble, I am simply here to hear what happened from your perspective. I'm not an enemy. We clear?"
"Yeah, crystal."
"Awesome, alright y/n, so what were you doing when you were placed under arrest?"
"I was laying in my front yard napping."
"Why were you in your front yard and not in bed?"
"Well I was in bed, but I got up, and Jimmy-"
"Who's Jimmy?" He interupts.
"Well it's kind of complicated, we were sort of in a relationship, but then we went on a break and he started getting involved with his ex again. He's the tall one with the black spiked hair, his eyes are blue."
The man nods, "Gotcha, continue where from where you were please. You got out of bed."
"I got up out of bed and came downstairs, Jimmy's ex was sitting in my spot on the couch so I sat beside her and had a sip of her coffee,"
"Why did you do that?"
"I don't know," I sigh, "I guess maybe I wanted to assert dominance? I didn't think it was a huge deal."
"What happened next?"
"I placed the cup down and she began to yell at me, I didn't engage. But then she grabbed me by the hair," I pause and grab the chunk of hair she grabbed, "Like this. Then she pulled me to the ground. I heard Jimmy coming from the kitchen so I didn't do anything right away, I thought maybe he's help me."
"What did he do when he saw her on top of you?"
"He just said 'get off of her Amanda.'"
He nods in a 'I hear you' sort of fashion and jots something down in his notepad.
"What did she do then?"
"She, of course didn't listen and then proceeded to try and bash my head into the hardwood floor," my throat tightens and I begin to choke on my words.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think I'd cry."
"Hey, it's okay," he pushes the box of tissues towards me.
"Thank you," I take one and dab the tears dry.
"Let me know when you're ready to continue."
I nod, "I can now."
"Alright, what did you do next?"
"I shifted my weight in the direction her body weight was so she would lose balance. I then pushed my weight upwards and pinned her to the ground."
"Did you strike her?"
"No, I only wanted to stop her from harming me."
"Okay, what was her response?"
"She pretended to be scared and pleaded for me not to hurt her. I got off and tried to exit the house, but then she grabbed me by the back of my shirt."
"What happened then?"
"She yelled, 'what, you don't want to fight me pussy?'"
He pauses and writes more.
"What did you do?"
"Well she spun me around to face her but I, again, refused to engage."
He writes that down, "And then?"
"I think she was going to strike me but Jimmy was able to pry her off me."
"What did you do after?"
"I went outside and listened to them fight before walking onto the lawn and laying down, I was trying to drown out the yelling."
He writes the last bit down before asking, "Then you fell asleep?"
"Not fully, but enough to sort of dream, and about fifteen minutes later I was being rolled onto my stomach and handcuffed."
"Okay, thank you y/n I'm going to take you to a holding cell now while I question the others."
He cuffs me again and escorts me to a little metal cage.
I'm a rabbit in a tiny cage, helpless, falsly accused, and trapped.
two hours go by before another cop comes and opens the cell, he turns me around and undoes the handcuffs.
"You can go home."
"Thank god," I hug the cop.
He pulls away and looks at me sourly.
"Sorry, I was falsly accused, and I've been in this building for three hours."
He rolls his eyes and leads me to the door.
Mike is waiting for me at the door.
"Y/n," he wraps his arms around me, "I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault Mike, thank you for waiting."
"Of course, lets go home b."
He pats my head and takes me to the car, Jimmy's sitting in the back, his head in his hands.
I get in and rest my face on the passenger window.
"I'm so happy to be out of there."
"I was talking to the guy and he told me the cops couldve let you go but they just wanted to look better for taking in another 'criminal,'"
"Thats fucked, they ruined my whole ass day."
"Diddo," Jimmy pipes up.
"They got put back on probation."
I lean over and rest my head on Mikes leg before drifting off.
I'm so glad to be going home.

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