10. The end of another lost highway

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I lay on the cement for a second, processing what just happened.
He looks down on me from the window and lights a cigarette before shifting the car into drive.
Despite my burning limbs, and my spinning head I push myself up off the ground and barely get infront of the car before he starts taking off, I stumble backwards as he slams on the breaks. I fall on my ass.
"Are you fucking crazy?" he yells out the window.
I get up and run around to the passenger side and get in.
"That must make you such a saint." I snatch the cigarette box and place one between my lips.
He looks at me, searching, for a split second before snapping back into his mania.
"You arent stopping me."
The car lunges forward as he presses on the gas, causing me to be forced back into the seat.
"you're right."
He swerves and spins the tires, laughing in a way that if you heard it your dinner would churn in your stomach.
I supress my fear and anxiety, forcing myself to keep my eyes open.
I feel the alcohol splash up and burn my throat, like the burn of the cement that tore my skin up, and the tears that stained my face earlier.
"Scared yet?," he yells over the blaring sterio, "It's not too late to change your mind."
I feel as if he's subtly challenging me.
He cranks the music even louder and gets our speed up to 150.
He continues accelerating as I light a joint and keep quiet.
Suddenly he swerves and loses control of the car. The metal cage is crushed like a tin can as it rolls over the curb, and then down a hill. My seatbelt locks and digs into the side of my neck. We hit a barrier at the bottom of the hill, and I hit my head. It feels as if my skull had been cracked open with a sledge hammer. I pass out.

When im finally able to open my eyes, I realize im laying on the cement, Mike and his roomate Deven are kneeling above me.
"Thank god you're okay." Mike sighs in relief.
I look around and realize I'm still laying infront of Jimmy's mustang, in front of Mikes house.
"What happened?" I ask, confused.
"Jimmy hit you with his car," Mike scoops me up.
"But- I was just,"
"You were just passed out, you hit your head." Deven interrupts.
I shake my head.
Mike takes me inside and lays me on the couch, Jimmy is spread out, laying on the floor.
"She's fine." Deven glares at him.
I fall asleep, confused, disorentated and releived.

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