6. Alcohol and Cigarettes

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"I'm going to head home now," I push myself off the ground and climb the hill back up to the road.
Jimmy is sitting with his back against the chain link fence backing onto the drop down to the river.
He has his hoodie balled up in his arms, his nose is burried in it and his cheeks are soaked with his tears.
He looks up and makes eye-contact, but before he can say anything I break it and walk off.
I hear him sigh, but I dont look back.
I end up at home, where my mom screams at me more about God knows what.
I look at the clock, 4:35pm, if I leave now I could still find a place to stay.
"You're such a little brat, you aren't my fucking daughter," she yells and throws a cup at my head.
I duck and glare at her, "Then you aren't my fucking mother," I storm upstairs and pack a bag, I've had enough.
I go and stand at the front door.
"I hope when you think about me or see me, you know deep down you're the one who drove me down this path, and I hope it fucking haunts you," I spit the words out at her, taking out all the anger I had cooped up from earlier, just like she does to me.
"Where the hell are you going?"
"I said it was the beer or me. You obviously chose the beer, so I'm leaving this shithole." I slam the door and walk down the street, occasionally throwing up a thumb, trying to hitch a ride.
I get a call from Mike.
"Hey, y/n, where are you?" He asks from the other end.
"Uhhh," I look at the street sign, "17th, why?"
"We're having another party at my place this time."
"You're inviting me?"
"Yeah! You coming?"
"Yeah, sure," I smile, hoping that's where I can crash.
"Cool, we're on our way there right now anyways, I'll see you soon!"
I hang up and sit on the grass on the side of the road.
Five minutes pass and he rolls up in a car full of people, more people than there is seats.
Mike turns to the two squished into the front,
"One of you is gonna have to move."
A guy with blue hair rolls his eyes, "Okay," he shuts off the sterio, "who's joining the trunk team?"
Nobody answers.
"I'll go in the trunk!"
I say excitedly.
Mike jumps out, "Are you sure?"
I nod, "yeah, i got my weed, I'll be fine!"
He pops the trunk open and reveals 5 other guys laying back there.
"I'll put your stuff up front," he grabs my bag from me.
"Make room," I sit on the bumper and wait for them to reajust.
I crawl in and curl up facing a boy with blonde spikes in his hair.
His green eyes are so pretty.
Mike gives me three loving pats on the ass before shutting the trunk.
"Better hold on tight princess," someone says from the very back of the trunk.
The car starts and the music starts blasting, "Full Nelson" By Limp Bizkit.
muffled voices from inside the car echo into the trunk.
The guys who are with me start singing the lyrics and I join in.
"Are you guys cool if I light a joint?" I ask, nervously.
"Fuck yeah, lets hotbox this motherfucker!" The blondie infront of me shouts.
Everyone else in the trunk cheers.
I laugh and dig the joint and lighter from my hoodie pocket.
We end up yelling along to the song, the bass is so heavy, I feel ot vibrating throughout my whole body, it's amazing.
Mike does a couple doughnuts, pushing me forward into blondie.
He wraps his arms around me and laughs.
I laugh along, a smile plastered to my face.
After 20 minutes of Mikes reckless driving he finally stops the car and opens the trunk.
I look up and I'm met by Jimmy standing there beside Mike.
Mike reaches out his hand and pulls me up out of the trunk.
"What the actual fuck we're you thinking?" Jimmy glares at Mike.
"You put her in the trunk!" He pretty much yells.
"Relax Jimmy, I told him I wanted to," I help pull blondie out and turn back to Jimmy.
"You're so stupid," he scoffs.
"Exuse me?" I glare at him like he glared at Mike, "you're starting to sound like Brett."
He looks at me in disbelief.
Blondie grabs my hand and takes me into the house.
We take a couple shots and jump around with the strangers around us, they feel like family.
He pushes me up against the wall and stares into my eyes.
I start to shake a little, remembering when Brett would do that.
He leans in closer, "can I kiss you?"
I nod, confused about why he asked.
His lips graze mine ever so slightly before making full contact, his tounge ends up down my throat.
But I like it...
I was confused but just let it happen.
I grip the back of his neck and pull him closer into me.
He starts kissing down my neck, I look up and see Jimmy staring me down.
I stop blondie and look into his eyes.
"I, uh- I have to go to the bathroom."
He shifts aside and lets me go, I push my way past people.
I make eye-contact with Jimmy and tilt my head in a "follow me" sort of fashion.
It works because he starts pushing past people as well.
I stumble into the bathroom and soon he arrives there too.
I shift past him and slam the bathroom door shut.
"We need to talk," I turn back to him and cross my arms.
"Yeah, we do," he furrows his eyebrows and glares.
"Quit your glaring, jesus!"
I lean back against the door.
"I can't fucking help it! Why the hell would you tell me you broke up with Brett for me, but then mouth fuck some random guy you jusr met!?" He raises his voice.
"Because, I didn't even think you liked me anymore!" I match his angry tone, "And its a fucking party, I'm trying to get over shit too!"
"I don't know why I even care about you anymore! It's obvious you're not fuckin-"
I cut him off by grabbing him and pressing my lips against his, he doesn't stop me, we just kiss.
Everything around us goes still, and the voices of the people outside of the thin bathroom door fade away and we're just in the moment.
He pulls away and crosses his arms.
"There." I look up into his blue eyes.
"I fucking hate you y/n."
"Same goes for you buddy," I copy him and cross my arms too.

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