3. soda pop and ritalin

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Jimmy walks me home and I manage to sneak back in my window by 6:08am, I pass out pretty quickly.
I wake up and take in the torn bottoms of my pant legs, last night feels like a dream, I remember most of it but it's foggy.
I stretch my arms out in front of me and take in a deep breath before getting up and going downstairs.
I'm fully expecting my mom to yell at me when I get down there but I'm suprised by a plate of breakfast sitting at the table for me.
"Morning sweetie!" she greets me from her chair at the table.
"Hey, whats all this?" I ask, skeptically.
"I just want you to know how much I love you," she looks over at her boyfriend, Matthew, who's sitting beside her.
I smirk and sit down.
"Yeah, of course! Why would you think otherwise?"
She gives me a look of confusion.
"Jesus, do you remember nothing from last night?" I glare at her.
"Don't speak to her like that," Matthew pipes in.
I turn to look at him, "no," I turn back to my mom again, "mom you called me a whore,"
She stares at me blankly.
"This happens every fucking time you drink, lose the beer or lose me," I stand up from my chair, "I'm not hungry."
I walk out the door without another word and head to 7-11.
I sit in the beat up bathroom, paintings and murals cover the walls.
Tears stream down my face, causing my eyeliner from last night to run.
How could she treat me like that and act like nothing happened?
I know she remembers last night, she just doesnt want to apologize.
I'm startled by a knock on the door, I get up and swing it open.
"Hey, employee's only, learn to read, bitch," the employee working today snarls.
"Fuck you."
I flip him off and push past him turning my back, more tears stream down my face.
I see Amanda and Jimmy making out in one of the aisles from the corner of my eye.
I storm out and grab a smoke from my pocket.
"Hey Chica," Mike calls out from his car.
I walk over and jump in the passenger seat.
"Hey," I take a drag from the cigarette hanging out of my mouth.
He rests his hand on my thigh.
I look over at him and take his hand and just hold it.
"Thank you, for last night," he smiles at me.
"Hey, I just brought the weed, you guys did the rest." I return the smile and gaze at him.
I see Brett pull up in his car and quickly let go of Mikes hand.
Brett parks right beside us and gets out.
He leans in Mikes window.
"Where the fuck did you go last night?"
"I went home, I told you I was anxious," I pull my arms around me, as if they'd sheild me from the fear starting to swirl in my stomach.
"What are you doing in this douche's car?"
"Hey! He's not a douche. We're talking," I look at him, hoping he'll leave me alone.
"C'mon," he motions for me to follow him.
"Hey, dude, step off, she's busy," Mike says forcefully and rolls up the window.
He bangs on the glass and cusses at me but Mike locks the doors.
Eventually he gives up and walks away.
"You should leave him."
"I can't, he'll hurt me."
"He's going to hurt you either way," he turns the cars ignition on.
I look at my feet.
"I know, I'm just... scared."
"I know hun, I won't let him hurt you."
I blush, "thank you."
Jimmy comes out of the store and kisses Amanda. Mike unlocks the doors and Jimmy jumps I'm the back.
"Sup' fuckers?"
He slaps us both on the backs and grins goofily.
"You coming with us Chica?" Mike looks over at me from the drivers seat.
"Where are we going?"
"On an adventure," Jimmy answers before Mike can.
I look back and he has a stupid grin on his face.
I shrug, "yeah, sure, what could go wrong?"
Time skip
Everything is going wrong.
I lay in the back of Mike's car, having a full on panic attack, Mike's smashing someones windshield with a scrap pipe he found, and Jimmy's passed out in the front seat.
Why did they think it was a good idea to drive out into the junk yard and snort lines, and why did I do it too?
I cover my ears and sink down in my oversized hoodie.
I eventually pass out too.
I'm awoken by Jimmy violently shaking me, my eyes snap open.
"What the fuck?" I almost yell, "oh... it's just you."
My head spins slightly but for the most part I feel pretty sober.
"How long has it been?"
"Only half an hour, want another line?" Jimmy offers the tray forward.
I shake my head.
"Not a chance, where's Mike?"
"I don't know, I just woke up."
"Well so did I, we need to find him."
"No, he'll be fine, he'll come back when he wants more."
I take a deep breath.
"Jimmy, I have a really bad feeling, we need to find Mike," I open my door and step out.
"Mike?" I call out, quietly at first, maybe he's in the area.
But my calls turn to shouts and eventually me and Jimmy are both yelling and searching for him frantically.
I turn around and look behind me at the chain-link fence around us, I look beyond it, into the forest.
I know where he is.
I jog towards the fence and throw myself over it, my legs get scraped up from running and beating through the thorn bushes.
My eyes are set on a rundown treehouse.
I finally get to the entrance and look up at the wooden ladder above me, theres multible steps missing.
"Mike!?" I yell up.
"Y/n? I'm up here!"
I scurry up the ladder, its difficult but I manage.
"What happened?"
"I fell through."
I look down at his leg, he's sunken up to his knee, through the rotten wood.
"I tried to get it out but I couldn't," he looks up at me desperatly.
I run my hand through his hair, "I'm gonna get you out buddy,"
Jimmy calls out from below,
"Are you up there y/n!?"
"Yeah, Mikes stuck!"
"I'm coming up," I look down and see him try to start climbing.
"No! stay down there, if we can't get down it'll be helpful to have someone on the ground."
He says something else but I tune it out accidently.
"Mike, do you have a pocket knife?"
He nods and digs it out of his pocket.
I grab it from him and take a breath.
"Relax your leg, okay?" I instruct.
He closes his eyes and nods.
I open it up and start sawing around the rotten wood, it takes a bit but eventually im able to cut a circle out of the floor and pull him up.
I cut the ring of wood off his leg and help him up.
"Thank you y/n," He pulls me down for a hug before getting up.
We manage to climb down the ladder but once I'm about a quarter way down a 2x4 breaks under my feet and I tumble to the ground.
I despratly gasp for air, all of the oxygen has left my body.
Jimmy leans down and pulls me into his arms, I look up at him as my vison tunnles.
Then I black out.

Jesus of Suburbia rewrite<3Where stories live. Discover now