8. At the center of the earth

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I wake up and check the time, 1:38am.
I lightly push Jimmy off me and fetch the vodka.
I take 6 shots before waking him up.
"Hey," I lightly shake him.
His eyes crack open and he groans.
"Do you want to head back into the party?"
He shakes his sleepy head and closes his eyes again.
"You can go, I'll be here," he drifts back off almost immideatly.
I write a note: "Lock the door if you change your mind <3"
I head back into Mikes house, the people who are left are just some of Mikes friends, they're all sitting around on the couch in a smoke sesh.
"Hey y/n! Came to join us?" Mike grins.
I give him a sleepy, drunk nod and sit down beside him.
"Do you know where Jimmy went?" He asks, almost concerned.
"Yeah, he's alseep in the trailer,"
"Are you guys good now?"
I shrug, "I have no clue."
He passes me his bong and packs me a big bowl.
"Dude," I stare at the bowl he packed me.
He raises his eyebrows.
"I just took 6 shots," before he can answer I grab the lighter from his pocket and toke it all.
It burns, my chin feels weird, almost a frozen sensation.
I blow the big cloud out into mikes face, teasingly.
"Jesus, I was just about to take it from you.." Mike looks at the group in a panicky way.
They just sit back with grins on their faces.
"Ever taken a bong toke before y/n?"
One of the guys ask.
I shake my head.
"Grab her a bucket, Mike."
Mike leaves the room for around five minutes and returns with a bucket, toilet paper, water and snacks.
"I shouldn't have let you take that," Mike frowns.
"Hey hey hey, she's a big girl, let her learn dude," another one of the other guys says, I think his name is Dereck.
I lay back on the couch and stare at the ceiling.
"I'll be fine, i've done coke and didn't vomit," I cross my arms and watch the spots above me swirl.
"This is different y/n," Mike rests a hand on my shoulder.
I feel great for a while, everything is vibey, until its not.
My whole body is freezing but I can't stop sweating.
It feels like my soul is being pulled down into my stomach, is feel like dying.
The room swirls and tilts, and I'm being pulled down and melted into the couch.
I squeeze my eyes shut causing tears to drop from the corners.
"Y/n? are you good?"
Mike rests his hand on my back and rubs it gently.
"Let it happen dude."
He coaxes softly.
I lean forward and Mike passes me the bucket.
"I-" I gag, "I'm sorry-" tears stream down my face, I can't tell if im too hot or too cold.
everything spins more, I feel like im falling off the earth. My sense of gravity and stability is mangled.
My breathing speeds up and I prepare for the worst, gripping the bucket for dear life.
I can tell it's about to happen at any second, "im gonna be sick," I choke out.
Mike grabs my hair and holds it back right before my stomach empties itself.
I hear the guys talking but I can't decipher what's being said.
Absolutely nothing is left in me when I'm done.
I gag more, my stomach trying to reject stuff that isnt even there.
I rest my arm on the coffee table ahead of me and lay my head on it.
I pray for this to end.
I pull my head up and try and open my eyes, Mike is right there to hand me toilet paper.
He strokes my hair gently, "you're okay."
I clean up and tuck my knees to my chest.
"I'm so embarassed," I cry more, out of emotion this time.
Mike wraps an arm around me and pulls me into himself.
"Dude, we've all been there, how do you think we knew this was going to happen? Greening is normal, especially if you dont smoke much." Dereck smiles sympathetically.
"Do you want a shower?" Mike helps me up.
I nod and follow him upstairs.
"Take and do what you need, we'll be right downstairs, okay?"
"Thank you," I manage to choke out through my tears.
He hugs me again, "of course, I've been there thousands of times."
He points to a door in the middle of the hall, "Bathrooms in that door and there should be fresh towels in there," he smiles and makes his way back downstairs.
I go into the bathroom and lock the door.
I take a breath in and turn on the shower, while its heating up I peel my sweater and tight tee off and look at myself in the mirror.
I wonder if Jimmy misses Amanda, she has a perfect pair of tits, no stomach chub, and a really nice ass. I'm just a bit too chubby for my liking and honestly not that pretty at all.
I step out of my skirt and undergarments and hop in the shower.
I hum lightly and wash my face and hair.
After I shower I head back downstairs.
"Hey, thanks Mike, for everything," I sit on the bottom step.
Everyone is gone except him and Deven.
Mike looks over at me, "no worries Chica," he waves me over.
I stand infront of him and look down.
"You hungry now?"
I nod, "Yeah actually, I'm pretty snacky now," I sit down beside him.
"Thats how she goes," He hands me a bag of chips and gets up.
"Stay there, I'll be back."
He disappears into the kitchen.
I flop back on the couch and close my eyes.
"Y/n," Mike wakes me up by resting his hand on my shoulder.
"How long has it been?"
"Only ten minutes, here," he grins proudly and holds out a bowl of ice cream, topped with brownies and sprinkles.
"Wow," I look at it in awe.
"I made it for you!"
"You're so wholesome Mike, thank you," I take the bowl from his hands and dig in.
I finish it and it was delicious, I look at Mike who's still devouring his and Deven who's passed put on the other couch.
"That was delicious."
I compliment.
He smiles, his cheeks full of ice cream, he looks like a little squirrel.
I chuckle and lay back down.
"We should get you out to the camper before you crash, I'm sure Jimmy will want you in there with him."
I stand up and hug him, "why are you doing so much for me?"
"Because I love you," he hugs me back.
"I love you too."
He pulls away and smiles, "go see your boy."
I nod and make my way out to the trailer.

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