5. To fall in love and fall in debt

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I lay on my bed at 3:00am, I took the coke around 5 minutes ago, it hasn't even kicked in and I'm starting to feel extremely anxious, so who do I decide to call?
"Hey..." he answers on the second ring.
"Hey, what are you up to?"
"Just at 7-11, why?"
His tone is weird, almost rude, but more confused than anything.
"I took the coke that was in your hoodie pocket," I pause, hoping, praying he'd come get me.
"Shit, y/n. Are you okay?"
His voice now sounding urgent and concerned.
I'm silent, it starts to kick in, now im sitting, watching the walls spin.
"I'm coming to get you, stay there."
"Everythings spinning. I don't know what to do," I slide down my wall and keep the phone pressed tightly to my ear.
"I just need you to hang in there for me. Don't ever take it alone again."
"I fucked everything up."
Tears fall from the corners of my eyes.
I hear him sigh, and he doesn't reply.
"I'm sorry,"
"Look, I'm on my way okay? I'll talk to you soon."
He hangs up the phone without letting me answer.
"Okay.." I say to the phone.
I struggle through my high, I spend it laying on my bed, hysterically sobbing my makeup off.
After half an hour passes, he still hasn't shown, so I call him, no answer.
I text him, Read.
What the fuck?
I decide just to walk there.
I light the joint I packed with me and walk the 15 minutes it takes to get there.
I arrive and theres a circle of punks, all yelling and cheering, I push my way into the crowd.
Brett and Jimmy are in the middle, fighting.
Brett has Jimmy pinned and is attempting to smash his skull into the concrete.
Amanda is sitting there screaming.
I run into the middle of the circle and throw myself onto brett.
"Keep your fucking hands off of him!" I yell.
Trigger warning
He bucks me off and turns his attention to me, he grabs me by the collar and drags me through the crowd, down to the side of the building and pins me against the wall.
"Is he why you tried your breakup shit? You like him don't you?"
I shake my head desperatly.
"No, no-"
He wraps his hand around my neck and lifts me off my feet.
I gasp for air and try to kick him off me.
"I told you, I know when you're fucking lying to me."
He grits his teeth and holds me there, digging his forceful fingers into my neck, slowly tightening his grip until finally I fall limp.
My vison blurs and everything goes black.
am I dead?
End of trigger warning <3
I hear talking somewhere above me and then I feel someones hand checking for my pulse.
"She's breathing," Jimmy sighs in relief.
I finally manage to open my eyes and I cough, uncontrollably.
"I kicked his ass y/n," Jimmy pulls me into his arms and squeezes me tightly.
Mike and Dean stand above us and they look releived as well.
Jimmy looks into my eyes, tears welling up in his.
He pulls me into his chest and runs his hand through my hair.
"You didn't screw anything up. I'm not mad at you."
I sit by the fire, under the bridge with Dean and Mike, My throat still fucked up but not as bad.
At least I can talk now.
We watch Jimmy and Amanda, Jimmy has her pinned to the wall, romantically.
She stares into his blue eyes.
Her lips move but we cant make out what shes saying.
Jimmy's expression changes to anger and he slams his fist against the wall behind her.
He growls something before he sloppily kisses her cheek and storms off.
She screams and throws a handfull of dirt at him.
He kicks a beer can across the groud and flips her the bird.
I jump up and run after him and catch up at the top of the bridge.
"She cheated on me," He spins around, tears stream down his angry face.
I step closer to him.
"No- Just fuck off y/n"
I freeze and stare at him in shock.
"Fine," My voice cracks slightly.
I cross my arms and turn my back to him.
"She cheated on me with your ex," He says angrily.
I spin back around.
"And that's my fault!?" I yell.
"Yeah! You're the one who broke up with him!"
"He was already cheating on me!"
"Just go!" He yells back.
"I left him for you. Here's your fucking jacket," I pull it off and chuck it at him and storm off back to Dean and Mike.
"He's blaming me."
"For?" Dean asks.
"Amanda cheating on him," I tuck my knees up to my chest.
They don't answer.
Shit is fucked.

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