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F4 a group better said a boy group who has a lot of money which they like to show off which I personally hate.. they think if they show off money that they are smarter, better, richer, but that is something I don't need.. all I need is me and my family even tho my mae always says that „you should marry a guy with money" or „your prince will come"

I don't think money is everything in life I just want to complete school and become something Better then these rich guys

Thyme he is the leader of group son of ............... he is a very aggressive guy Beats people but always gets away with it and if someone messes with him he will personally make sure to ruin your life forever and ever .. I don't know what goes on in his head but he thinks he can remove everything with the money his parents made and his mother is even worse but let's not get into it next

Kavin to be honest kavin is not worse then thyme but he thinks everyone loves him which everyone does except me of course he is son of ......... second member of F4 which makes me angry is he thinks he can have every girl but he is nice not worse then thyme so it's fine I guess next

MJ son of ............ he thinks he extremely cool with his motorcycle and he hair a in a pony let me tell you no he is not he has money but doesn't show it off like thyme plus he has an extremely soft voice which is very cute but still wouldn't date him

Ren,ren,ren, he is different idk what is so different about him but he is just nice has a softer voice then Mj he is handsome he is just different I don't know what to say About him .. he ugh nevermind

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