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"MY SISTER TRULY has an dramatic life" Kavin laughed and we are sitting in front of the Tv it was comfortable while next to us Mj and Gorya soundly sleeping but then we got a surprise Kavin stood up to get the door and it was the devil himself Thyme

"Hello my friends" he entered the door saw Mj and Gorya sleeping under many doctors he laughed "what's so funny do you have a problem?" I walked in front of his face but Kavin grabbed my hand to keep my calm but I continued to loook into his face I think he was shocked to see me angry I am usually a calm

"Can you guys be silent you're gonna wake Tu up?" But of course Hana started screaming which startled Gorya got startled and rubbed her eyes but Mj quickly put her back to sleep stroking her Heard and big brother not biological but you  know

Kavin glared at Hana "oh I'm so sorry phi I was testing my throat" she winked and came in without me letting them in and sat in the couch while Mj was still making Gorya sleepy and stroking her hair

"Oh p'Mj can  you get me a drink na ?" "No" she gasped at him Mj wasn't like that he glared and picked Gorya up and put her on his lap like a baby I wasn't jealous or something because Mj and Kavin are her brothers and my bestfriends so I smiled

But Hana stood up walking around in the house and then we heard a crash it came from upstairs thyme ran up and called "bae are you okay?" Faked concerned and we just looked at eachother Gorya stirring again at the noise "shhh Nong it's Ok shhh go back to sleep" he stroked her hair and she cuddled in him while I and Kavin went upstairs to check what they broke

When we got upstairs there was white ceramic pieces on the floor mixed with little blue strips that was Gorya's Pot she made one pot takes her one week I gasped at the sight of the pit she Is going to be very sad "babe I'm scared" Hana stared sobbing

We heard two patterns of footsteps coming upstairs revealing Sleepy Gorya and Mj I ho seemed to try to stop her from going upstairs but was to late he slapped his hand over his mouth gasping "w-what happened to my v-vase?" She bend down touching the pieces

"Are you crazy how could you place vases on corners Hana could hurt herself?" He took her in his arms " this is my home and your in it you can't complain and if you do then leave" she snapped but Mj whole his head not liking his Nong cursing

"This is not your house it's Kavin and Mj's so I have all the right to complain" he pointed his finger at her she laughed and said "they are my brothers so I this is also my home" he gasped at the new information but huffed and dragged Hana to the living room

As soon they left Gorya's face fell and she picked up the pieces and Kavin bowed to her as apology but she declined it wasn't his fault "Nong how about we get new shades of green today" Mj suggested her face lit up "really?" He nodded and she smiled and we went back down to gind Hana cuddled up in Mj's blanket

"What do think you are doing?" He boomed angrily ripped the blanket of her mad gave it to Gorya because she was sleeping in it before

Authors pov
I posted this 29 min before midnight so it counts as posted on Wednesday

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