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I turned on the Tv and Immediately heard the news about us started playing on the Tv.

Gorya was sitting Next to the Kitchen counter eating pancakes with whipped cream „F4's Ren and gorya spotted in a car together and many fans spotted F4 and Gorya without thyme at the bar in the center of the city what is going on ? Is Gorya cheating on Thyme? What is Gorya trying to do?"

Me Kavin and MJ looked at eachother and then looked at Gorya „don't tell her" Kavin mouthed but I just stormed up to my room and sat on my my couch and thought „thyme why why do you have to bring her in your dramatic life all the time?!" but

without realizing I ruined my painting by pressing through the canvas but then I heard a knock on my door „Ren" it's Gorya

„Come in Gorya" I softly smiled and she peeked through the door „Kavin told me to stay herewith you I'm sorry" she said shyly „sit next to me don't be shy" She walked over and sat on the couch

I went close to her face and brushed her hair behind her hair while she just starred in my eyes frozen what a cutie I thought „can you help me with something hmm?" I continued to brush her hair back „yes with what?" she asked I pointed at the painting on the canvas „oh uhm how about we start a new one ?yawn" she said is she tired?

I smiled softly and put my hand on her cheek „can you be my model?" she immediately said but then closed her eyes and fainted. I was shocked what's wrong with her „Kavin! Kavin!"

Kavin came up and grabbed her out of my arms and took her to his room but while I was panicking he surprisingly seemed calm"what's wrong with her" I said „chill Ren since when do you care so much about my sister" he laughed and smiled „is she dying" I yelled + asked „no since she was little every week at least she had fever and it can happen that she faints because of it but that's just because she is exhausted it's not easy always to be in thyme's dramatic life"

I was relieved and took a chair and sat next to the bed she was laying on watching her „do you love her?" Kavin asked if I knew I would've already made her mine but there is a person who always steals what's mine „what" I asked shocked „you heard what I said" he answered sassy

„I don't know" I sighed and layed my head down when I Kavin exited the room  and took a new book  out of room and carried it to my chair in Kavin's and began drawing the love of my life since her

She looked beautiful sleeping like this that I feel asleep on the chair dropping my book and pencil and I felt me relaxing in the room with Gorya

But around an hour I woke up because of a soft voice whispered my name am in heaven or what? „Ren wake up" oh no it's Gorya but I couldn't say something when all of our phones in our house dinged what I saw shocked me

Gorya ran out of the house I could hear Kavin screamed „Gorya!" I walked down and played my hand on his shoulder and said „don't worry I can find her" and left the House and drive to the place I knew wher she is the school's rooftop I parked my ca...

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Gorya ran out of the house I could hear Kavin screamed „Gorya!" I walked down and played my hand on his shoulder and said „don't worry I can find her" and left the House and drive to the place I knew wher she is the school's rooftop I parked my car and ran with tears in my eyes

it reminds my how I saved her on this particular rooftop gorya was crying and I went to her and looked at her in her face „I don't really love him but it still hurts" she cried and I started crying to

I miss her I miss her really now gorya is going to same pain as me „I'm sorry Ren" she sobbed and I took her in my arms and cried with her we are both suffering

[ Decision Time : Next chapter ]

Ren and Gorya get another chapter together?

Thyme and Gorya meet and fight ?

Thyme and Gorya meet and don't fight?

[The decision is yours]

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