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"What did you just say" asked thyme but I just responded with "you heard what I just said" while still slightly tearing up

"Can I take her with me ?" I asked thyme "to where?" He respond "to my private villa if my mom finds out I'm going to be in trouble plus I stored all her old things there" I answered somehow sounding sad

He agreed with a nod and I carried her slowly being careful because of the bruises and wounds I put her in the backseat and said my goodbye to Mj and Thyme and stared to dive to my private villa

When we arrived I unbuckled her and carried her in her room

Because when she was sold by my parents which I didn't know then I always left a room for her in my own in case she comes back which she did which I'm happy about

I placed her down on her bed it had a red blanket with white sheets I covered her with the blanket and kissed her forehead I really missed her

My room was next to her room so I could keep an eye on her

As soon as I closed my eyes I feel into an comfortable deep sleep but soon I woke up again remember that my sister is next door it's now 10 am as I looked at clock on my phone I stood from my bed and walked to Goryas room

I crouched down in front her bed stroking her hair and whispered „Gorya" her eyes fluttered and opened „Kavin?" she whispered sleepy „no it's me Win do you remember your brother Win?" I asked her and she nodded

„I am Win" I stated she sat up immediately and asked „you are win" she yelled with tears

She hugged me and sobbed „ where where you? Why didn't you tell me?" she cried „I'm sorry" we are hugged eachother I'm happy to have my sister back I missed her

„Gorya live her please" I asked she nodded right away and I gasped „what about your parents" she answered „they are not my parents when they always stopped me from searching you" she said coldly

„Now lets go get my clothes they are not home anyways" I chuckled and we drove to an street I have never seen before it's different then where I live how can she live here not to be rude

„Come in" she lead me in the tiny house and then into her room it was smaller than my bathroom

But she had a little amount of new clothes I believe that's old clothes from her brother or mother then suddenly she looked at me like why-are-you-staring look

I helped her back a bit she left a note and we went to eat at a restaurant but she refused

„This to expensive" she stomped Like an angry cat

„Tu Tontawan in this restaurant now" she went in wow it's great to be a older I can tell everything hehe fun

Authors Note
Did you see the new F4 Thailand trailer that is a work of art

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