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Fans always give me these gifts and idk were to put them but I am hungry I'll just eat one of them gifts hmm seems like a cupcake I'll eat it and go

„Thyme! Thyme!" fans are screaming but I don't care they are annoying and don't give me privacy but I can't think about it right now because phi Tia and mom are going to Singapore for 2 weeks so I won't worry about them and Tia said I should not disappoint her with Gorya I won't p'tia I won't

Brrrrr Brrrrr Ah my stomach hurts „are you okay young master thyme" my driver asked me yes I answered but in reality I'm not „just drive me home" I grunted

As soon as I entered our house I feel on the floor clutching my stomach I need help but none of the servants are here because my mom sent them home till she is back I'm on my own ah ah it hurts

Suddenly the door is that the door then someone came in a girl who is it I can't see her I'm so dizzy who is this a crazy fan but why is she bending down to touch my hand I quickly slapped her hand a away and she stopped my hand and pulled me towards her and her face came near my ear

„Thyme it's me Gorya"

Gorya. It's Gorya help me Gorya I wanted to scream „Gorya" I grunted „thyme don't talk your burning up you have fever" she layed my head on her lap it's feels good to lay here on her lap on the floor but it still hurts my stomach „oi i still have medicine" she started to search her bag and took out a pill and water „open thyme quick" she tapped my mouth but I refused because I didn't know what kind of pill it is

„Thyme trust me, Trust Gorya"

I opened my mouth and lifted my head to swallow the pill with water „Gorya" I whispered weakly „don't talk thyme oi how did I end up taking care of you" she giggled „thank y-you gor-„ I was interrupted by my own cough and she quickly padded my back

Authors Note
I have decided that I will up 3-4 chapters a week with a least 600 words starting on Sunday!!

Decided | F4 Thailand | Gorya x Thyme or Ren ||Where stories live. Discover now