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What's wrong with him I need help but it seems like he is calming down but he was shivering because he was burning hot I took my handkerchief out of my mini bag I always wear and made it wet with the rest of water from my bag which thyme drank his medicine with

„Take off your jacket thyme let me give you a little bath" I smiled he weakly lifted his head of my lap and took off his and he had a I don't what you call it i think it's a shirt anyways I handkerchief and started giving him a little bath how I Like call it but then „g-gorya no l-leave" he held my arm tight he started squeezing my hand really tied and started moving a lot was he scared that I'm going leave?

„ calm down thyme I'll stay here shh thyme stop moving"

I need to calm him down „thyme look at me" a stared in his eyes while he tried to move a thinks I want to leave why is he thinking that ?

„Thyme I need to get help" I said „no no I-I NO NO" he was nervous and he started sweating and panicked he was looking at everything but me he wanted to come up from my lap but I quickly hugged him and sing a song

Nothing I do is ever good
Nothing I do is ever good enough
Nothing I do is ever good

Leave me alone
Leave me alone

Leave me alone
Leave me alone

I can't help but repeat myself
I know it's not myself
Still lately, I begin to shake

For no reason at all
For no reason at all

For no reason at all

For no reason at all
(I can't handle change by Roar)

„I will never leave you thyme even if you bully me to death"

I was kind of feeling bad for him I thought he was the perfect bad boy and perfect child but he was wait- crying?

Poor boy but I need to really get my phone and call the other boys before he passes out the pills only work for one hour they quick pills I managed to get me phone out while still holding thyme in my arms on the floor and the first thing came in to my mind was Kavin

Call Kavin

„Thyme I'm getting help now" I told him holding my phone to my ear

Hello Gorya

Kavin come to thymes mansion we need help please be quick


I need to Focus on thyme right now while I held him secure in my arms safe from the world out here waiting for Kavin to come „G-Gorya" he whispered „yes thyme" I smiled „sorry a-and" he was struggling to form a sentence but what made him go like that oh man Kavin needs to come faster otherwise will pass out and it will be hard for me to cure him but I know exactly this not a an easy cold this is serious but I still don't know what

Authors Note
I wanted to post a chapter I don't know why but guys there is something that makes me sad and that is ghost reading there are no comments and no votes

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