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TODAY GORYA WAS TOTALLY OUT of it she was constantly hiding and she bark talked to us and was dazed what happened with thyme yesterday? I decided to just go to him and ask what he did but he was constantly making out with Hana so I couldn't even get to him

But I won't let Gorya be sad so I still tried but no success when I got home to Kavins villa him and Gorya were not there but they got into his car together they are most likely together and doing something because Mj told me Kavin wanted to cheer up Gorya today but I don't know where they went

But since they were gone I hung out with Mj and we chilled at home till the siblings came home at around 4pm we greeted them and Gorya went up to change then we all watch a film and posted it on instagram ofc "why don't we make an group instagram together?" Kavin suggested "why not? " I replied happily I was happy so everyone gave their dumbs up

We quickly created one and named it ——————— and set it up with our names then posted our first post with the movie and continued to watch the movie till we fell asleep. When I woke up in the night I went the toilet till I heard some noises in the kitchen and carefully went in it was Gorya she was drinking a glass of milk with brown cookies half asleep

"Gorya ?" She jumped and fell of the chair and fell on her bum she whimpered "oh I'm sorry Gorya" I gave her a hand to pull her up from the floor she accepted it and sat back down on the chair the she took one cookie given it to me "oh thank you" she nodded and continued eating we eventually go to bed

When we woke up the next morning all our phones were ringing because we all put our alarm at the same time so ever was awake and we ate breakfast together laughed and had fun till We got to school everyone was looking at us today we decided to let Gorya sit in our lounge but I think thyme didn't like that when he came storming up "what is this slut doing here?"

Kavin stood up against thyme and said "if you don't like her sitting here leave" thyme was shocked his eyes went wide and he looked at us sitting and left so we decided to continue to talk about what we were talking about but I think Gorya was uncomfortable and not feeling good her eyes weren't focus she was literally drowning in her seat

"Kavin and i will get drinks for you alright " he nodded an walked away with me from our group "she is sick" he said without me saying anything "should we bring her home?" I asked while getting drinks from the cafeteria "I'll treat her after school" I smiled "you're a good big brother" he laughed an we walked back

Authors pov
Yeah I forgot to update last Wednesday haha sorry guys

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