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IN WHICH bed am I laying I thought I looked around and saw a blue painting on canvas it was beautiful but the only one who does paintings is Ren. Yes now I knew it I am in REN's room but where is he but I didn't care at that moment I need to contact thyme I texted him to meet me at the rooftop of school to talk

I sneaked out of REN's bed and walked to my room tip toeing and grabbed my hoodie laying on my bed my phone and my bus ticket and sneaked downstairs

I closed the door behind me and walked to bus station and entered the bus what am I going to ask him? thought filled my head till I arrived at school and walked up the stairs to the rooftop and took a deep breath and opened the heavy door to the rooftop and saw him standing there


"So your finally here huh?" He laughed evilly

"Why" I just asked him why why did he cheat on me we were not together but we had an connection

"You wanted to have Ren so you have him don't you you" he came closer

"You wanted to break MY MY TINY HEART" he screamed at me and lifted his hand attempting to slap me but he didn't he was shocked by his own actions and tried to touch my hand apologizing but I took a step back and ran out away from him to the people that love me

Taking the bus back I was still shaken up a bit because I never thought he would do that but I didn't notice my phone ringing it was him again thyme

"Gorya please"

"Hear me out"

"I wasn't in the right state of mind forgive me"

"Answer me"

"I'll never do it again"

the phone never stopped ringing when I got home everyone was in kitchen eating breakfast "Gorya!!" My brother hugged me I fake smiled and sat next to Mj and took pancakes and started to eat

"Where were you this early in the morning?" Ren smiled I bet he knew where I was and I replied with "I was just on a run" he didn't believe me

I guess he was tired because he is yawning and stretching but we have school later today so he couldn't go to sleep but we just let him sleep so he layed on the couch and closed his eyes and fell asleep

But when it was time to wake up he didn't so I slowly came closer to him his face and poked his cheeks

"Ren wake up it's time to go" I crouched down in my skirt

He "hmm"ed stirred a bit but didn't wake up so I continued to admire his face but then I started shaking him to wake up and finally he woke up and muttered "Gorya" and his eyes fluttered

"Are you coming?" I called him and we went into our cars to school and they went to their lounge and I went to Hana and we pulled through the day peacefully

Authors Note
So I'm feeling insecure because I have read other stories and they get more comments and they are written better so sorry yeah

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