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I miss her, I miss her, I miss her, I miss my sister Tu I mean Gorya maybe I should text her and ask when she is coming- wait no it's 5 am Kavin she promised me she was going to come at 6am I still miss her but how could my mother do something like this threaten me to kill her own child my sister just for business

I could feel tears falling down in my cheeks but I quickly wiped them and waited for Tu I mean Gorya to come over so we can go to school together but wait why would she come to my house if she doesn't know that we are siblings- no no she doesn't



When I opened the door there was
Gorya „what took you so long" I asked her but she hesitated and said „I had to take care of something" and entered why is she like that idk but anyways we need to go to school but when I turned around I saw Gorya eating the sweets of the tablets"each one costs 400 baht" I said with a smirk and toke me bag and went out of the house „oi me going in this car again never let's go with the bus" she said with scared eyes „Mai I'm not going with a bus when I have a car" I answered

„Fine! Go with your car I'll ho with the bus bye" she said as she ran away to the bus stop ugh this girl I entered my car and drove to school when I entered Gorya was already there sitting in the canteen with Hana with mouth open she stared on the television on the wall in the canteen and everyone stared at her but why ?

Authors Note
I have resin why I didn't update I got my wisdom teeth taken out it hurt like a bitch but I'm still in pain so please have patience thanks you guys

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